1.4 - Boiler Room NDE Guide (Optimal January 2023)
1.4 - Boiler Room NDE Guide (Optimal January 2023)
Geüpdatet 2 years ago door AstroTheLast

Before you start: Change the language to Simplified Chinese. You’ll know you’re on the right language if the Stardew Valley name changes to this: 星露谷物语 We do this to increase the character limit for all input fields in the game, since it makes all the characters less wide.

Input fields:

Player Name: }ccDoorUnlock}[16] Farm Name: }canRea%favorite Favorite Thing: dJunimoText}[709]

What do each of these fields do?

Player Name: Opens up the door to the community center without needing the day 5 Lewis cutscene. It also gives you a horseradish, which is important because then we don’t need to get extremely lucky getting a day 1 horseradish on the forest farm.

Farm Name & Favorite Thing: These two fields work together to help you be able to read Junimo text, without speaking to the wizard. The full line to give the player the ability to read Junimo text is “}canReadJunimoText}”, which does not fit into a single input field. So, we write the beginning of the line in the Farm Name, and then use %favorite to call the favorite thing to be put at the end of it, making the full line, “}canReadJunimoText}[709]”. The favorite thing then also gives you a piece of hardwood, which is needed for the community center and is also our main source of income!

Other creation options:

Gender: Doesn’t matter. Cat/Dog: Doesn’t matter. Farm: Doesn’t matter too much, but I prefer the four corners farm since it makes it the easiest to get to cindersap forest. Don’t skip the intro Cutscene.


Right after clicking play, spam the escape key to skip the first 2 sections of the intro cutscene, as they are not important. Once the cutscene on the bus stop loads in, check the area. For this route to work, you need a leek, daffodil, and dandelion in the bus stop. If you can’t see all three of these, there’s a chance that it could still be there, as for some reason the game doesn’t load the forage below a certain line in the bus stop, even if there is some there. Otherwise, you can reset and try again for better RNG.

If you’re continuing, spam through all of robins text in the bus stop. Robin will say your name, which will open the community center and give you horseradish. When the cutscene transitions to the farm, let robin say her first line of dialogue, and then skip the cutscene. In that line of dialogue, Robin will say your farm name, which will let you read Junimo text and give you a piece of hardwood. You will now wake up for your first day in Stardew Valley.

Day 1:

After waking up, run outside, collect 1 stone, and clear a 6x3 area next to the farmhouse. It is suggested that you don’t clear out/pick up any wood or more than 1 stone, as it will make the item duplication process easier for you to understand later. After clearing out a spot and collecting 1 stone, head to the bus stop.

In the bus stop, you need to cut down the three trees there and collect all the wood. Make and then place down a chest. If you cut down 3 trees and got no extra wood, you should have just 1 wood leftover after making the chest, which is perfect for duplicating. Place the 1 wood in the chest, and pick up the leek, dandelion, and daffodil. Depending on how your inventory looks, you may have to throw away your sap or fiber, but make sure that you have a full inventory after you pick up all the forage or the duplication won’t work.

A Quick Tutorial on Item Duplication: If you have a full inventory, and you press the organize button in a chest while you have an item in your hand/on your cursor, it will throw a duplicate of that item on the ground. However, if you keep pressing the organize button, it will continuously duplicate an increasing number of that item. The formula for how much of the item you will end up with is 2^n, with n being the amount of times you click the button. However, the items you duplicate are very unstable. One thing is that for some reason they don’t like creating stacks above 512 of that item, or 2^9. Another thing is that if you have more than 1 open inventory slot and you pick up more than 512 of that item, it will reset your duplicated stacks in your inventory, deleting most of the items you duplicated. Also, if you do end up with more than 1 item stack, all of these item stacks will be tied together, meaning that if you for example put 99 wood in the community center, it will remove 99 wood from all of your wood stacks, if you duplicated all the wood together. For these reasons, you need to be very careful when duplicating and handling duplicated items. Don’t move around/split stacks of duplicated items if you can ever help it.

Now that you know how duplicating works and the dangers that come with it, here are 2 options for duplicating items.

For each method, you will duplicate the wood, then replace the wood with stone, putting the stone in the chest. You will then grab and duplicate the stone, and then replace it with your hardwood, putting the hardwood in the chest. You will then duplicate the hardwood, and put your hardwood back in your inventory, replacing it with some garbage you don’t need (fiber, mixed seeds, sap)

Method 1: Pressing Organize exactly 9 times. If you press organize exactly 9 times, you will only create a max of 512 items, and you will remove the risk of accidentally deleting extra items you duplicated, and you won’t have to worry about the issue of multiple stacks of items being tied together. However, if you accidentally press organize a little more than 9 times, you will create multiple stacks when placing items in the chest later, which will delete too many items making you unable to complete the run. For even further optimization, you actually only need to press organize on the stone 8 times, so you can shoot for that if you want to save a small bit of time. 9 organizes exactly is what is needed for wood and hardwood though.

Method 2: Spamming the organize button like 40+ times This one is a lot more inconsistent, and I only suggest it if you are really having trouble with pressing organize an exact number of times. If you spam the organize button enough, you will duplicate so much that it won’t matter most of the time if some of your duplicated items get deleted, or if it gets split into multiple stacks. However, because of the unstable nature of the items, even after spamming 40+ times you will still sometimes not get all the items you need.

After both organization methods, you will need to put all garbage, (seeds, fiber, and sap) in the chest, as well as your hoe, watering can, and axe. If you used method 2 to duplicate, check your item count, as you may not have all you need, meaning you either need to try duplicating again (probably not a good idea) or resetting. After this, head to the community center in town.

At the community center, complete the construction bundle, and close the bundle screen. Animation cancel to gain player movement while in the cutscene, and open the bundle screen back up and complete the spring foraging bundle. Close the bundle screen, and animation cancel-pickaxe swing while exiting the community center to reduce your energy as much as possible. If you ever lose where you are, you can instead try to focus solely on animation canceling to get your energy as close to 2 as possible. If you make it outside the community center, You can animation cancel-pickaxe swing to lose energy while trying to head up to robins house. At this point, since it's pretty difficult to see, I suggest just holding right and losing as much energy as possible, and instead walking to robins once you can see again.

Quick Warning!: If you go through a loading zone during a specific part in the community center cutscene (Right before it starts moving to the next bundle after showing 1 bundle open) You can softlock yourself and lose all player movement, killing the run. To avoid this, I suggest only going through loading zones while the camera is moving/panning over to another bundle.

Depending on how quickly you did everything, Robin’s may not be open yet. If they are not open yet, you can continue wasting energy to get down to 2 energy. If you’re at 2 energy and Robin’s still isn’t open, there isn’t anything else to do but wait. Once Robin’s opens, talk to robin and sell all your hardwood. After selling all your hardwood, build a chicken coop in the area you cleared out. You can then knock yourself out by running out of energy. Sleep until Day 4 to give time for the chicken coop to build.

Day 4:

Wake up, and head directly for Marnie’s house. Try to not pick up any extra items while heading down to Marnie’s to save you time on deleting items. Once at Marnie’s house, delete all items in your inventory that you can, leaving you with just your pickaxe and scythe. You have nothing else to do while you wait for the door to open at 9, so just chill until then. At 9, you can enter Marnie’s house.

Quick Warning!: For whatever reason, there is a possibility that after buying and naming your first chicken, Marnie can actually skip reading off the name of your chicken! While normally this would be an amazing 5 second time save, this is horrible since we need Marnie to say the name of our chicken. While it is still unknown why this glitch occurs, it is theorized (by only me lol) that it has something to do with how fast you speak to Marnie after entering the building. Because of this, I usually wait 1-2 seconds after entering the shop before moving or talking to Marnie. However, this is only a theory, as there have been one or two occasions where I spoke to Marnie really fast and didn’t get the glitch, so proceed cautiously. If you get the glitch, you do have enough money to just buy a new chicken and name it the same thing, but it is like 10 seconds of time lost.

After talking to Marnie, buy 3 chickens, with these names:

Chicken 1: [334][335][336] Chicken 2: [80][82][84] Chicken 3: [86][768][769]

These chickens should give you (in order): The first chicken should give a Copper Bar, Iron Bar, and a Gold Bar. The second chicken should give you a Quartz, Fire Quartz, and a Frozen Tear. The third chicken should give you an Earth Crystal, a Solar Essence, and a Void Essence.

If you mess up on any of these, you should have enough to buy another chicken and try again (assuming you didn’t get the Marnie glitch)

After buying all 3 chickens, you should have almost a full inventory, (1 open slot) and all the items you need to complete the boiler room. Head up to the community center, and then complete the three bundles in the boiler room to finish the run.

Thanks for reading the guide! If there's anything that is unclear or incorrect, feel free to message me on discord, (AstroTheLast#3085) as I’m happy to help with anything.

Updated 1/21/2023

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