Evo's Space Adventures - The Main Differences
9 years ago
Derbyshire, England

Just gonna throw a collection of differences between ESA and SSSV that I noticed here as they are sometimes interesting.

  1. Fat Bear Mountain Ram Skip is harder to do the setup for in ESA yet the ground is more uneven somehow so you don't have to do it right to kill the dog as the mouse. Hype.

  2. Rocky Hard Place you don't even have to do that Fox part correctly, you can for some reason just go under the electric on a side as I learnt. Duno if it's true for all sides but definitely true for the one that faces AWAY from the teleport.

  3. Absence of Leap of Fox makes me sad.

  4. GaDaB is way more brutal... You can't tell which dog you damaged on animations alone.

  5. Penguin Playpen sucks, BUT the switch doesn't reject the seagull corpse when you leave it at all, which was nicer.

  6. Pinball Wizard has the worst hitbox ever on that keyboard. I hate my life.

  7. No Hoppa Choppa clips, so sad.

  8. Walrace is garbage, the Walrus is Garbage, everything about this game is garbage.

  9. Jungle Japes just showed me how UGLY elephants can look ; ; AND WTF DID THEY DO TO THE HIPPO

  10. Swamp of Eternal Stench made me ragequit. I hate that stage.

United States

lmao, the main difference is one is good and one is bad :P

Derbyshire, England

No Evo's Escape makes me sad. No Hot Cross buns makes me SO HAPPY. I hate that stage.

Derbyshire, England

There is only 1 redeeming thing the game has - Hyena Bike isn't godawful to control.

Derbyshire, England


On creative running news, all the electric fences in Rocky Hard Place have a hitbox only on the beam, so when it moves up a bit you can squeeze under it, which is a strange oversight, making the N64 run of this level pretty much applicable here all the time with a quicker, easier setup. Coolio.

Adding onto this, Key Jump is so hard but I think I'm boosting at the wrong point. What I DO know is that it's possible for sure.

I'm pretty sure that the Desert Levels are all pretty flawless in terms of skips, same with Jungle. Only Key Jump, Pump Jump and the TV jump in Shifting Sands seem still existent. I really want to see if there are different glitches in this game though, something about it seems broken yet not. Sucks that WWT skip isn't in it though. AND THAT FINAL LEVEL IS GARBAGE AND PUNCH UP PYRAMID ISN'T NEEDED TO UNLOCK IT EVEN THOUGH IT IS IN THE GAME, SO IDEK.


Just gonna add that ESA has loading screens, both for level entrance and level exits. This, combined with severe lag issues, results in the game being way longer than SSSV despite the fact that you are playing less levels. This is from using an emulator and according to Marxvile, the lag is worse on console, so yeah...

Derbyshire, England

There is a delay in inputs as well. In SSSV this only happened in areas of extreme lag, but on ESA it's all the time. Also, the control stick on the controller isn't optimised for the game, resulting in a very bad experience.

New York, USA

europe wasn't that bad

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