About High Score Proof
6 years ago
United States

So I realized that you can cheat by showing a normal high score screen, and the rules were changed to require video, but that is not necessary. If a picture is shown like this: https://ibb.co/h6OutT then you can see if the person used a continue by looking at if the video resurrect is available and by the price of the resurrect.


Well if its so i am going to reject the run

Barcelona, Catalonia

The problem is that images are easy to photoshop, and there is no way to differentiate a real and a fake highscore. In just five minutes, I was able to photoshop a highscore of more than 900 meters, while my record is arround 500. https://imgur.com/a/RB0R0Lw Fakes like this are easy to do and impossible to deny, and that's the reason why we don't accept photos as proof

Spielpro vinden dit leuk
United States

Yeah forgot about that, and wow that does look real

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