Green Stars in 3h 18m 04s by

I swear every single mistake in this category always has to cost a minimum of at least 1-2 minutes lmao

Twitch VOD:

Green Stars
3h 18m 04s
7 days ago
5 days ago
5 days ago
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1-(Pick GS3) Sky Station Green #3 (inside the 2nd planet)1m 53s 071ms1m 53s 071ms
2-(Pick GS2) Sky Station Green #1 (at the start)1m 04s 292ms2m 57s 363ms
3-SS Green #2 (near 2nd launch star, skip cs later then spam backflip up)1m 16s 724ms4m 14s 087ms
4-(Pick GS1) Yoshi Star Green #3 (in the air at the end)2m 27s 724ms6m 41s 811ms
5-(Pick GS1) Yoshi Star Green #2 (alcove by launch star)1m 10s 853ms7m 52s 664ms
6-Yoshi Star Green #1 (above the CM)1m 05s 208ms8m 57s 872ms
7-(Pick GS1) Flip-Swap Green #2 (near a 1up past the checkpoint)1m 27s 448ms10m 25s 320ms
8-Flip-Swap Green #1 (in the air above laser gates)0m 59s 326ms11m 24s 646ms
9-(Pick GS1) Spin-Dig Green #2 (at the end of 3rd planet)1m 48s 158ms13m 12s 804ms
10-(Pick GS1) Spin-Dig Green #1 (on the side of 2nd planet)1m 06s 097ms14m 18s 901ms
11-Spin-Dig Green #3 (vine to the left, wall jump after 1st dig)1m 27s 328ms15m 46s 229ms
12-(Pick GS1) Rightside Down Green #2 (bottom-right at the end)2m 20s 203ms18m 06s 432ms
13-Rightside Down Green #1 (in the air at the end of side section)1m 56s 896ms20m 03s 328ms
14-(Pick GS1) Fluffy Bluff Green #3 (cloud skip, hill on the left)1m 49s 268ms21m 52s 596ms
15-(Pick GS1) Fluffy Bluff Green #2 (in the air left of 1st powerup)1m 02s 904ms22m 55s 500ms
16-Fluffy Bluff Green #1 (in the air at the start, need clouds)1m 07s 138ms24m 02s 638ms
17-(Pick GS1) Fiery Flotilla Green #2 (above lava near checkpoint)1m 22s 139ms25m 24s 777ms
18-Fiery Flotilla Green #1 (top of the castle, left side)1m 06s 608ms26m 31s 385ms
19-(Pick GS1) Puzzle Plank Green #3 (bottom-right, under platform)1m 39s 796ms28m 11s 181ms
20-Puzzle Plank Green #1 (above ? block at the start)0m 54s 846ms29m 06s 027ms
21-(Pick GS1) Puzzle Plank Green #2 (wall jump before GS3)1m 12s 956ms30m 18s 983ms
22-(Pick GS1) Hightail Falls Green #3 (above Yoshi flowers, near CM)2m 10s 581ms32m 29s 564ms
23-(Pick GS1) Hightail Falls Green #2 (to the right of CM)2m 08s 769ms34m 38s 333ms
24-Hightail Falls Green #1 (at the top of Yoshi ramp, go left)1m 20s 469ms35m 58s 802ms
25-(Pick GS1) Boulder Bowl Green #3 (edge near 2nd powerup)1m 29s 840ms37m 28s 642ms
26-(Pick GS1) Boulder Bowl Green #2 (under the ramp)0m 59s 118ms38m 27s 760ms
27-Boulder Bowl Green #1 (wall kick up the bridge)0m 58s 182ms39m 25s 942ms
28-(Pick GS1) Wild Glide Green #2 (left option, -> at the end)2m 09s 233ms41m 35s 175ms
29-Wild Glide Green #1 (all the way down after 3rd gate)1m 20s 862ms42m 56s 037ms
30-(Pick GS3) Cosmic Cove Green #3 (at the end, left of the key)2m 53s 880ms45m 49s 917ms
31-(Pick GS3) Cosmic Cove Green #2 (right of a black hole in 2D part)2m 12s 436ms48m 02s 353ms
32-(Pick GS1) Cosmic Cove Green #1 (behind regular star)2m 02s 979ms50m 05s 332ms
33-(Pick GS1) Honeybloom Green #2 (above swings after 2nd Cp)2m 28s 437ms52m 33s 769ms
34-Honeybloom Green #1 (in the air before 2nd checkpoint)1m 52s 765ms54m 26s 534ms
35-(Pick GS2) Lava Lair Green #1 (behind a rock near whomps)1m 49s 036ms56m 15s 570ms
36-Lava Lair Green #2 (below ground past 2nd checkpoint)1m 54s 251ms58m 09s 821ms
37-(Pick GS1) Tall Trunk Green #2 (2nd planet left of CM)1m 37s 302ms59m 47s 123ms
38-(Pick GS1) Tall Trunk Green #1 (up the tree above 6-shroom)1m 09s 857ms1h 00m 56s 980ms
39-Tall Trunk Green #3 (upside-down in 4th tunnel)2m 16s 156ms1h 03m 13s 136ms
40-(Pick GS1) Cloudy Court Green #3 (end behind the windmill)2m 14s 152ms1h 05m 27s 288ms
41-(Pick GS1) Cloudy Court Green #2 (in the air past 1st launch star)1m 10s 364ms1h 06m 37s 652ms
42-Cloudy Court Green #1 (up above green animal hedge)0m 53s 290ms1h 07m 30s 942ms
43-(Pick GS1) Rolling Masterpiece Green #2 (edge near end)2m 22s 679ms1h 09m 53s 621ms
44-Rolling Masterpiece Green #1 (key in green, edge of elevator)1m 27s 013ms1h 11m 20s 634ms
45-(Pick GS1) Freezy Flake Green #2 (last planet up-right)2m 01s 675ms1h 13m 22s 309ms
46-(Pick GS1) Freezy Flake Green #1 (upside-down on the slide)1m 15s 342ms1h 14m 37s 651ms
47-Freezy Flake Green #3 (to the right on foggy planet)1m 59s 580ms1h 16m 37s 231ms
48-(Pick GS3) Haunty Halls Green #3 (in the air at the end)
49-(Pick GS2) Haunty Halls Green #1 (below bonus pad)
50-Haunty Halls Green #2 (in the air on 2nd planet)4m 34s 680ms1h 21m 11s 911ms
51-(Pick GS2) Beat Block Green #1 (edge before right turn)1m 16s 261ms1h 22m 28s 172ms
52-Beat Block Green #2 (in the air on the right at the end)1m 19s 001ms1h 23m 47s 173ms
53-(Map to W4 then back, GS1) Fearsome Fleet Green #2 (ship part)2m 03s 127ms1h 25m 50s 300ms
54-Fearsome Fleet Green #1 (behind enemy in front of 2nd big ball)1m 09s 336ms1h 26m 59s 636ms
55-(Pick GS1) Supermassive Green #2 (down below giant thwomps)
1m 14s 869ms1h 28m 14s 505ms
56-(Pick GS1) Supermassive Green #3 (in the air of koopa planet)1m 12s 526ms1h 29m 27s 031ms
57-Supermassive Green #1 (in the air to the right of big coin)1m 02s 735ms1h 30m 29s 766ms
58-(Pick GS1) Flipsville Green #2 (on the roof on chomp planet)
1m 19s 408ms1h 31m 49s 174ms
59-(Pick GS1) Flipsville Green #3 (hold <- then -> for toad, corner in air)1m 25s 769ms1h 33m 14s 943ms
60-Flipsville Green #1 (up on the edge of 1st planet)1m 01s 261ms1h 34m 16s 204ms
61-(Pick GS1) Sweet Mystery Green #2 (forward past CM)1m 22s 761ms1h 35m 38s 965ms
62-Sweet Mystery Green #1 (below after 1st checkpoint)0m 57s 593ms1h 36m 36s 558ms
63-(Pick GS1) Honeyhop Green #1 (behind red balloon)
1m 56s 431ms1h 38m 32s 989ms
64-(Pick GS1) Honeyhop Green #2 (in the air near Queen Bee)2m 17s 849ms1h 40m 50s 838ms
65-(Pick GS1) Starshine Beach Green #2 (above water near building)1m 46s 142ms1h 42m 36s 980ms
66-(Pick GS1) Starshine Beach Green #1 (above tree near tower)1m 19s 254ms1h 43m 56s 234ms
67-Starshine Beach Green #3 (cloud powerup -> above ball in water)2m 05s 148ms1h 46m 01s 382ms
68-(Pick GS1) Chompworks Green #2 (3rd planet, top of building)1m 52s 681ms1h 47m 54s 063ms
69-(Pick GS1) Chompworks Green #1 (near 1st chomp dispenser)0m 57s 670ms1h 48m 51s 733ms
70-Chompworks Green #3 (over right drill on last planet)1m 59s 944ms1h 50m 51s 677ms
71-(Pick GS1) Gravity Gauntlet Green #2 (above ? block past 2D part)
1m 30s 910ms1h 52m 22s 587ms
72-Gravity Gauntlet Green #1 (above tower near turn)1m 03s 055ms1h 53m 25s 642ms
73-(Pick GS1) Space Storm Green #1 (pull above launch star)1m 10s 272ms1h 54m 35s 914ms
74-(Pick GS2) Space Storm Green #3 (6th bubble shooter)1m 22s 739ms1h 55m 58s 653ms
75-Space Storm Green #2 (on top of right wall)1m 04s 685ms1h 57m 03s 338ms
76-(Pick GS1) Boo Moon Green #3 (in the air on last planet)2m 25s 206ms1h 59m 28s 544ms
77-(Pick GS1) Boo Moon Green #2 (under the moon)
78-Boo Moon Green #1 (past launch star near CM)4m 06s 242ms2h 03m 34s 786ms
79-(Pick GS1) Upside Dizzy Green #2 (right edge above GS1)1m 29s 990ms2h 05m 04s 776ms
80-Upside Dizzy Green #1 (left edge below GS2)1m 08s 330ms2h 06m 13s 106ms
81-(Pick GS1) Slipsand Green #3 (right side at the end of :) part)2m 38s 078ms2h 08m 51s 184ms
82-(Pick GS1) Slipsand Green #2 (left on the start of slide)1m 51s 846ms2h 10m 43s 030ms
83-Slipsand Green #1 (down below checkpoint and launch star)
1m 35s 176ms2h 12m 18s 206ms
84-(GS1) FG Green #2 (right option, behind left tower past thwomps)1m 59s 139ms2h 14m 17s 345ms
85-Fleet Glide Green #1 (literally just hold downwards lmao)0m 58s 386ms2h 15m 15s 731ms
86-Shiverburn Green #1 (freeze then volcano)1m 37s 032ms2h 16m 52s 763ms
87-(Pick GS1) Shiverburn Green #3 (above 1up cloud on 3rd planet)1m 41s 087ms2h 18m 33s 850ms
88-(Pick GS1) Shiverburn Green #2 (go right on 2nd planet)
1m 21s 725ms2h 19m 55s 575ms
89-(Pick GS1) Boom Bunker Green #2 (shoot left from 2nd cannon)2m 08s 979ms2h 22m 04s 554ms
90-Boom Bunker Green #1 (shoot above target from 1st cannon)1m 07s 751ms2h 23m 12s 305ms
91-(Pick GS2) Melty Monster Green #1 (above 1st launch star)1m 37s 069ms2h 24m 49s 374ms
92-(Pick GS2) Melty Monster Green #2 (left at tornados)
1m 39s 887ms2h 26m 29s 261ms
93-(Pick GS3) Melty Monster Green #3 (edge near end)2m 06s 142ms2h 28m 35s 403ms
94-(Pick GS1) Flash Black Green #2 (off the edge at the end)1m 54s 052ms2h 30m 29s 455ms
95-Flash Black Green #1 (corner above launch star)1m 18s 511ms2h 31m 47s 966ms
96-(Pick GS2) Clockwork Ruins Green #1 (above 3rd spinner)1m 26s 266ms2h 33m 14s 232ms
97-(Pick GS2) Clockwork Ruins Green #3 (3rd planet past end)3m 33s 830ms2h 36m 48s 062ms
98-Clockwork Ruins Green #2 (upper-right edge of 2nd planet)1m 38s 986ms2h 38m 27s 048ms
99-(Pick GS1) Throwback Green #2 (above whomp at the top)1m 21s 338ms2h 39m 48s 386ms
100-(Pick GS1) Throwback Green #1 (down the 3rd hole)0m 58s 677ms2h 40m 47s 063ms
101-Throwback Green #3 (use clouds from "C-less" part)1m 30s 888ms2h 42m 17s 951ms
102-(Pick GS1) Battle Belt Green #3 (in the air at the end)3m 30s 878ms2h 45m 48s 829ms
103-(Pick GS1) Battle Belt Green #2 (above cage on mole planet)2m 46s 329ms2h 48m 35s 158ms
104-Battle Belt Green #1 (above cage on grey pumpkin planet)1m 37s 733ms2h 50m 12s 891ms
105-(Pick GS1) Slimy Spring Green #2 (corner next to launch star)2m 11s 845ms2h 52m 24s 736ms
106-Slimy Spring Green #1 (behind a pillar after CM part)1m 31s 911ms2h 53m 56s 647ms
107-(CLICK TO SKIP CS, GS1) GG Green #2 (in the air near Yoshi)3m 54s 054ms2h 57m 50s 701ms
108-Galaxy Generator Green #1 (right corner near drill)1m 26s 883ms2h 59m 17s 584ms
109-(Last PIS, GS1) MS Green #2 (3rd square down from top-left)1m 14s 839ms3h 00m 32s 423ms
110-Mario Squared Green #1 (under top-right square)0m 54s 771ms3h 01m 27s 194ms
111-(Pick GS2) Rolling Coaster Green #1 (left -> thin part jump)1m 31s 427ms3h 02m 58s 621ms
112-Rolling Coaster Green #2 (right off the edge on last rainbow)
1m 49s 170ms3h 04m 47s 791ms
113-(Pick GS1) Twisty Trials Green #2 (clouds at 2nd cuboid part)1m 41s 903ms3h 06m 29s 694ms
114-Twisty Trials Green #1 (right from cloud powerup)
1m 01s 948ms3h 07m 31s 642ms
115-(Pick GS2) Stone Cyclone Green #1 (above rolling cubes part)1m 16s 136ms3h 08m 47s 778ms
116-Stone Cyclone Green #2 (in the air near end / ! button)1m 03s 570ms3h 09m 51s 348ms
117-(Pick GS1) Boss Blitz Green #2 (top edge at Bouldergeist)2m 56s 735ms3h 12m 48s 083ms
118-Boss Blitz Green #1 (under the tree on mole planet)1m 57s 872ms3h 14m 45s 955ms
119-(Pick GS1) Flip-Out Green #1 (off the edge near 1st pipe)1m 07s 503ms3h 15m 53s 458ms
120{Green Stars (120 of 'em, Start on 120 File Confirm)}Flip-Out Green #2 (off the edge near end, SPLIT ON GRAB)
2m 11s 365ms3h 18m 04s 823ms
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