Infinite marbles glitch
6 years ago
Utah, USA

Hey guys, I found out that if you go into the infinite zone, and reset the game, a few things can happen: -Very hard rooms -Nothing or -A glitched state In the glitched state, the game shows random checkpoint numbers, which can allow you to bring a larger number of marbles to previous areas. Is this already known?

Pays de la Loire, France

Yea this glitch is already known as "Random Room Glitch" and is not allowed for score submissions on the site.

But if few peoples want a leaderboard for this glitch i can create it.

Bewerkt door de auteur 6 years ago
Pays de la Loire, France

And btw score more than 20 000 points in any mode require video evidence to prevent rules breaking ^^

Bewerkt door de auteur 6 years ago
Pays de la Loire, France

np ^^

I know of that I'm wondering if you a pattern to that

Pays de la Loire, France

@Horridhenry257 Check the first seconds of this video :

Once you are on the second room in Endless Mode, Pause game, Close app, Lauch app and it's done.

This glitch can be done by one or few trys with any mode.

Bewerkt door de auteur 6 years ago

It's still random

Pays de la Loire, France

idk why

Which room you end up in seems random

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