In another installment of the Boomy Brigade 16 Player, 120 Star Co-Op runs. The Brigade has beaten thier previous WR by 14 seconds! Audio is from NewmanBeatbox, in the lower right corner. Row 1: Player 1 - LuigiDini Player 2 - Mr_G1zmoe Player 3 - Bryce Player 4 - AndyGames_94
Row 2: Player 5 - Exile Player 6 - Austin Player 7 - Emcee Player 8 - Soccerman
Row 3: Player 9 - Aussie Mountain Player 10 - SauceToss Player 11 - Logaaaaan Player 12 -Boomy
Row 4: Player 13 - Tiffany Player 14 - Morin Percussion Player 15 - Its_Circlez Player 16 - NewmanBeatbox
Please note that the General Rules section of all categories have been updated:
You must show the Server Settings before starting your run, this simplifies our verification process a lot. You can that by recording them before hosting or do it in-game by pausing, pressing R then selecting Server