Controller to Keyboard fast
3 months ago

Is it possible to configure a key to switch between keyboard and controller in a run to be able to do BLJs with keyboard?

Bewerkt door de auteur 3 months ago
United States

You can do it pretty easily, but it won't be legal to submit to leaderboard. Keyboard is a digital input, so you'd run a foul of the controller restrictions at the bottom of the rules section if you switched mid-run.

United States

I'll note that keyboard + controller IS legal for Emulator runs, and I think you can just have them both enabled at the same time. Probably doable with like the wermi fork of octomino plugin.


Thanks for both answers. I’ve read the rules, and It says that scheme must be the same. The restriction is that you can’t map analog to digital and vice versa. As for the plugin, I found it, but it doesn’t allow the keyboard as an input.

Massachusetts, USA

That rule is for Console Runs (N64/VC), not Emu... Listen to Twig


True, I didn't realize that. However, I still can't find a way to use both the controller and keyboard in the same run

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