idk how to set up the auto splitter
2 years ago
Kanagawa, Japan

hello, I'm interested in Low% speedrun and practicing it on Steam version!

I wanna set up the auto splitter, so I click the 'Activate' autosplitter button, add splits to my main splits file, and hit the 'Settings' button to then set up the same autosplitter splits, but the timer doesn't work.

What should I do?


Do you have an element called "game time" in your layout? Cause that's the only kind of timer an autosplitter affects. You can have both kinds of timer for comparison though, just make sure the actual splits are going by game time so they're controlled by the splitter

But I'm also unsure if Shovel Knight's autosplitter is actually added "officially" to livesplit like that or if you have to download and "install" it yourself. I see it's missing from the Resources tab, worth asking in the discord if this doesn't make it start working

Oh yeah also running livesplit as admin sometimes solves misc. issues, not sure if that would help here

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