Weird bug in the second bossfight
1 month ago

I've been watching the top speedruns for this game and have noticed that they always skip the cutscene in the second bossfight.

I cant do that in my runs.

I play with a Ps4 controller and I already tried an xbox one too so its not that,

I can skip the chase scene at the end of chapter one so its not the button input thats broken

and I've already unistalled and installed the game, which didn't fix it either.

Anyone have a clue why this is happening?

Bewerkt door de auteur 1 month ago
Auvergne, France

if you have watched the top runs, you should've noticed that we die at the start of the chapter. it is not an accident. this death unlocks the fast forward the fight intro.

Bewerkt door de auteur 1 month ago
Rco0n vinden dit leuk

That makes a lot of sense actually

Thanks for responding I appreciate the help :)

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