Banned Glitches
8 years ago
North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Right now we have SoundGlitch banned.

Explanation of Soundglitch:

  • Disabling your Sounddrivers while the game is running an reenabling them causes the game to not be able to produce sound anymore. Because of this all Item Collection Animatons will be skipped.

Why is it banned?

  • You have to forcefully disable Sounddrivers or glitch out your system to disable Sounddrivers for a Second. This is like the same as Tilting the Cartridge for an N64.
  • The Community decided to ban this glitch.

This list only contains Glitches that are banned. We do know some other ways to trick this game, but these are "Hacks" and banned by default.

Bewerkt door de auteur 8 years ago
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