The big KH bounty thread
9 years ago

Bounties and Kingdom Hearts speedruns are a tale as old as time. I'm sure any of the old guard remember the giant $1000 bounty on KH2 or even the smaller $10 ones on Days / KH1 expert, even more recently the only reason I actually picked up Re:Coded was to steal Toji's $20.

So with that rich history in mind lets kick things off again - Lets bring back KH bounties. If you want to put money towards a category being beaten or a glitch to be found just post here and I'll update this post as necessary.

Active bounties:

$30 by Karxrida for a Deathless 2FM Lvl 1 Crit Any% that's sub 4:20.

$25 by TheNannerpuss12 to the next person to get a 1:06:xx in Aqua critical any%

$20 by ProtagonistJake to the next person to WR in KH2FM any% crit while having final form

$15 by ProtagonistJake to the next person to WR in KH2FM any% beginner while having final form

$1 by Rebelwatt to the next person to find a 1+ minute time save in KHFMHD

Claimed bounties:

$100 by JHobz to the first person to find a useful, reproducible clip that becomes part of the speedrun route in KHFM HD Beginner Any%. Must save at least 5 seconds and be 100% consistent.

$50 by JHobz for a KHFM HD Proud any% that is sub 3:10

$15 by Drazerk for a KHFM HD Beginner any% run in 2:44 - Claimed by BloodyBizkitz

$10 by abandonthemyriad to the next person who gets sub 1:16 in Aqua Beginner - Claimed by Nanner

$10 by Drazerk for a KH2FM beginner mode run that is sub 3:36 - Claimed by Liquidwifi

$10 by iiSalad for a time better than 14''66 on Port Royal Skateboard Minigame KH2/KH2fm

Bewerkt door Tojimaru 5 years ago
Virginia, USA

I'll fork over $50 to the first person to get sub 3:10 in KHFM HD Proud Any%. And $100 to the first person to find a useful, reproducible clip that becomes part of the speedrun route in KHFM HD Beginner Any%. Must save at least 5 seconds and be 100% consistent.


$10 by iiSalad for a time better than 14''66 on Port Royal Skateboard Minigame KH2/KH2fm

Florida, USA

$25 by TheNannerpuss12 to the next person to get a 1:06:xx in Aqua critical any%

Texas, USA

i accept the challenge nanner OpieOP ( even though due to my ps3 i can never get a sub 1:08 0

Bewerkt door de auteur 8 years ago

Adding a $10 bounty for Re:Coded NG+ that is sub 1:10 Also adding a $10 bounty for KH2FM beginner mode that is sub 3:36

Illinois, USA

$10 to the next person who gets sub 1:16 in Aqua Beginner


Congrats to BB for claiming the first bounty. I have sent him the money.

Illinois, USA

Congrats to Nanner, who just claimed my bounty. Money sent.

California, USA

I'll give $30 to a Deathless 2FM Lvl 1 Crit Any% that's sub 4:20.


Liquid stole my money, congrats liquid

Florida, USA

ill put in 30$ for a Level 1 JJ RTA for KH 1.5


Bewerkt door de auteur 5 years ago

i'll happily donate 50$ to anyone who finds a way to get to the unreachable switch in hollow bastions waterway. top right corner when standing at the start of the maze. been buggin me since i was a kid

Virginia, USA

@ArisCarroll can you screenshot or something? I know there's a chest or two up there (and how to get to them) but I don't remember a switch...


@JHobz I will make a screenshot when I get home. Its on the ground floor though and I'm quite certain we're not supposed to be able to get there. It would take an OOB glitch to reach it I suppose.

Edit: took a bit longer than expected, fell ill with food poisoning and for once i actually wasn't playing video games while sick, anyway here's a link to a video that should make it clear which switch I was talking about.

Bewerkt door de auteur 8 years ago

I've updated the new runs i have no idea what runs have been claimed during my absence and as such please tell me so i can fix the mess this is.

Lower Saxony, Germany

New Bounty! If anyone manages to find a skip for the Luxord Ship race in KH3 they are awared 50$. A secondary way to aquire this bounty is to find a way to consistently finish the Luxord race blindfolded as it seems to be impossible to finish. So if anybody finds a consistent blindfolded strat they can aquire the bounty as well. If you want any insight on what has been found by now you can message bubzia as he has been on the forfront of blindfolded KH speedruns.

Bounty set up by bubzia

Texas, USA

KH3 activity has been extremely low lately and I want to see times get pushed down so I am opening a bunch of KH3 bounties


$20 by Oh Snap for first sub 2:42 IGT KH3 Beginner Any% $20 by Oh Snap for first sub 3:05 IGT KH3 Proud Any% $20 by Oh Snap for first sub 3:12 IGT KH3 Beginner All Lucky Emblems $20 by Oh Snap for first sub 4:05 IGT KH3 Lvl1 Proud Any%


$5 by Oh Snap for next person to sub 2:54 IGT KH3 Beginner Any% $5 by Oh Snap for next person to sub 3:15 IGT KH3 Proud Any% $5 by Oh Snap for next person to sub 3:23 IGT KH3 All Lucky Emblems $5 by Oh Snap for next person to sub 4:20 IGT KH3 Lvl1 Proud Any%

I will add Plat one once IGT vs RTA is solidified

Bewerkt door de auteur 5 years ago
Florida, USA

KH vanilla both Japanese + English bounties

$200 for Sub 5:00:00 in KH-J $250 for sub 5:20:00 in KH-E

These are times I personally wanted to have for quiet sometime.

Glitchedd vinden dit leuk
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