Super Sonic's Story in 3m 36s 190ms by
Tijd splits
Verzorgd door
# | Naam | Tussentijd | Voltooid op |
1 | Cave | 0m 14s 171ms | 0m 14s 171ms |
2 | Angel Island | 0m 11s 204ms | 0m 25s 375ms |
3 | Tikal | 0m 22s 375ms | 0m 47s 750ms |
4 | Jungle | 0m 20s 843ms | 1m 08s 593ms |
5 | Perfect Chaos 1 | 1m 12s 531ms | 2m 21s 124ms |
6 | Perfect Chaos 2 Goud | 1m 14s 624ms | 3m 35s 748ms |
Separation of XBLA and PSN
Hi all, just an update on the console boards...
XBLA and PSN have been separated into different sub-categories. While this may stifle competition in the console boards overall, it should make things more fair.
I have manually retimed all of the XBLA runs above a certain time threshold without cuts
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