Starting time on first input or once we load in the game.
6 years ago
Arizona, USA

Watching everyone's runs it seems that the beginning loads very heavily for each of us. I propose we start timer on first input or when we load into the game to even out the times/playing field and making it so us not being able to get a better time won't be due to slow loads at the beginning of the run. What do you guys think? If you guys want think it's a good change, I'll make the change and adjust each of our times accordingly.

Missouri, USA

I found that just starting up the game and giving a minute after your first to 5th bootup smooths it out. I have no clue why you would have a long load time other than the settings, every load except my first is consistent across the hundreds of runs I have done. Also set all of your settings down to the minimum. If you do want to reduce peoples times then you just need to take 3 seconds off of mine.

Bewerkt door de auteur 6 years ago
Arizona, USA

I'll give a whack at lowering my settings. It was just weird how your load time was ~3 seconds while Sammmer's was ~10 so I wanted to try and make it even for all the runners.

Arizona, USA

Lowering the settings did help with making my loads a bit faster. I'll leave this forum open to more opinions on this change. But for now, nothing is changing.

Bewerkt door de auteur 6 years ago
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