Retro Bowl Basics
Retro Bowl Basics
Geüpdatet 3 years ago door pokeplanet369

Select Philadelphia as your favorite team. The reason to choose the eagles is because the NFC east is the easiest division to win which means more chance of losing more games quickly. Philadelphia is the best team in the NFC east according to stars rating. It's important to make sure you click skip tutorial. If you don't, it's about a 40 second time loss from the start. After spamming continues and skip tutorial tap the setting box (a square with a wrench) in the bottom left. After tapping it's very important you put the game on 1 minute quarters. Also you can switch the diffultly from the default dynamic difficulty to easy medium or hard as well. Now that you've entered the actual game now you need to know how to play efficiently. Since it's week 17 of a losing season it doesn't matter if you win so purposefully lose as it's much faster than winning. To do this make you qb's ball trajectory out of bounds straight from the snap. Try to aim the ball barely going forward and out of bounds "the orange marker spotting where the ball is a good reference point" After you do that 3 times it'll say 4th down or punt. Choose punt as it'll take a good chunk of time from the time of play the further you are the less time a punt is likely to be like irl lol. However if you are past the 50 yard line you won't be asked to punt but to instead select 4th down or field goal. A trick to this is if your near the 50 yardline have your qb/rb dive straight from the snap to lose a couple yards in order to punt. If you're not able to lose enough yards in one play to get behind the 50 yardline (within the opponents 47 yardline is a good bet) just tap 4th down and repeat chunking the ball out of bounds and it will cut to the other team having possession and running the time of play, don't tap field goal. After your first game is over it'll tell you results or continue always tap continue. Then a situation or dilemma will appear asking you to make a choice between praise player or praise coaching, criticize player criticize coach something like that. Your decision doesn't really matter so tap whichever one you want. After that tap continue then tap the highlighted skip button and spam continue until you might have a screen with a home a free agent and roster tap home and then tap yes and then tap draft Whwn drafting choose wr another wr and te in draft (order doesn't matter) these types if players because running the ball is irrelevant when speedrunning so you'll need good fast recievers but don't tap on their stats or anything just select the first wr or te you see the faster the better (may need to tap the arrow in the bottom right to see the right players players need to draft). Then hit continue and enter play once again except this time your trying to win. Win 9 games (really just enough to make the playoffs) and lose 7 games on purpose at the end 9-7 is usually the mark but you can be lucky with needing just 8 and under and unlucky with needing 10. Now that you have a wild card spot tap skip and then play TO WIN these playoff games until you win the retro bowl!

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