3 years ago
Super moderatorrozukk
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them, It/Its
3 years ago

Rule change! Yay!

From now on, every PC run has to use, and show, the current livesplit autosplitter. (Credits to RE_Aster and TheDementedSalad) Links for the current autosplitter can be found in the "Resources" tab.

Console runs will have to add on end chapter times. Pauses in game count for +1s, due to the game resetting the current second after every pause.

Regarding past runs:

Some retiming has been done to PC runs only. Mostly, only adding +40s to chapter 7 due to the "Protect/execute Leon" cutscene not counting for IGT.

Bewerkt door de auteur 3 years ago
Asterxyx vinden dit leuk