Low% idea
2 years ago
United States
She/Her, They/Them
2 years ago

Found this a couple of years ago, you can skip the fusion grenades by using crates to clip through the door

I think this would be useful if you were trying to a run with minimum item pickups. (Albeit, having only the basic pistol for the whole game would be abysmal)

Super moderatormobius
He/Him, They/Them
2 years ago

This is a really cool clip, I've never really tinkered with using the crate physics in this way before. We do already have a way to skip the Fusion Grenade unfortunately (and we just pick it up in Any% categories because it's hands down the best weapon we can get), and with regards to Low%, Wrench Only fits similar criteria since it does collect the minimum amount of items -

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