I cant change my fov
1 year ago

Hey hello i'm a new french player on the game and i would like to try the any% run but in my graphics advanced parameters i dont have the cursors to change my Field of view and i contantly have my moose cursor displayed on my screen . I have no proble to cross trough the wall so i dont think i comes from a bad version . Thats all the usefull information i can give you ^^' .

PS : sorry for typo.

my option screen :

Tutorials option screen ( A link to the tuto with the correct time code)

French version :

Hey salut je me met au speedrun de ce jeux et j'ai quelques problèmes je ne peut pas changer mon FOV.(cf les deux screen du dessus) j'ai télécharger le patch disponible dans les ressources et c'est en regardant le tuto disponible également dans le ressources que je me suis rendu compte de la différence de fov qui me complique grandement l'apprentissage (en plus d'être visuellement désagréable).

Thanks you to have read this novels ^^.

Lower Saxony, Germany

Early PC versions of the game didn't have a FOV slider, so you probably have the correct version 1.0.0. To change the FOV you need to go into the game's CFG file which should be located here C:\Users*(your user)*\Saved Games\Arkane Studios\Prey on your PC. Then you open the "game" cfg file with notepad and look for the row that says cl_hfov = 120.000000. You can just change the number to your liking.As you can see I have it set to 120.

The game should be closed while changing the CFG file.

Hope that helps. :)


Thank you very much for your answer it works very well :)

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