XG League Competition Event
2 years ago
Colorado, USA

Calling all XG fans and XG1 players! It's time for our next XG League event, which will begin on September 25 (in less than two weeks!)

For those not in the know, XG League is a friendly competition to shake things up in XG1, encourage some more participation, and optimize the level times for the game we all love. I personally encourage ANY new player to join - the event is low stakes and does not have any minimum threshold for skill or commitment to playtime, so you can choose your desired intensity whether high or low!

The event runs 2 months long and covers all of the tracks in the game at a rate of 2 tracks per week. The timeline is flexible - you can play at any day or time during the week (see the schedule tab on the spreadsheet below!), and may skip entire weeks if necessary.

XG league has a point system which awards points for reaching "target times". See the rules and schedule here, with the point system being on the first page of the sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1WF9ahvWt1_5DVmrqNnRO36J4JJ6CUK8BdND6aRIUSiU/

You can also see the previous League event's sheet for some context on how the scoring actually looks: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10qlUoFnQcAMvcdFfpGmVbJwCFLCyzar3-04dcGQxuZ4/view#gid=1540001734

Please join our discord (https://discord.gg/Nsuywrs) and DM me or post in the league-discussion channel if you are interested in participating!

Colorado, USA

A valued member of the community, polly_jean, has decided to contribute a few prizes for the league! Here is what they have to say: "Hey guys and gals: with one week left to go until league, I wanted to share that I'm going to be offering some small prizes for this year's league 🎁 🥳 Nothing too crazy but I thought having some loot on the line would be fun. I have four items and will probably let 1st place choose an item first, then second place second, etc. In ascending order of value, I have: (1) an Extreme-G poster, originally found folded up in the game box; (2) Nintendo Power Issue 101 from October 1997, featuring an 8 page cover article about XG; (3) Extreme-G Official Game Secrets, featuring 3D map layouts, concept art, game lore, bios on the game's developers, and more; and (4) an Extreme-G(reen) OEM N64 Controller, thoroughly cleaned inside and out, with a tight joystick ready to break some world records. I hope this is fun and no one takes it too seriously! Good luck!"

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Changes to the Full Game Category (Now all platforms can compete on a level playing field!)

Fellow XG1 crew, the leaderboards now total the IGT (in-game-timer) total lap time for every series run pb, so that we may compare runs across different versions of the game (64, switch, and ANY emu) without having to resort to timing issues relating to the load time discrepancies between versions.

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