New discovery
2 years ago

So, i'm new to this forum, but I have found something so useful that it makes a broken trick so much easier.

Karlson has integrated auto-bhop. Just hold spacebar!

Ok, so, what's happening with the jumping code is that every frame the game is checking if you are holding the spacebar. If you are, it runs another check to see if you're touching anything. If so, it applies an upward force. Since the check is running every frame, you'll essentially jump at every possible frame you can jump. I just guessed the code thing, but the main fact is actually true.

Daewe, TobyFox and 3 others like this
Arizona, USA
Super moderatorsirtymoo
He/Him, They/Them
2 years ago

Wow, very cool! I'll be sure to use this in my runs 👀

Snazz and jarometer like this

That’s insane, wish we knew this before, hated having to do my frame perfect jumps

SlushyNoobz, rhyzzenn and 2 others like this
Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

I think we should ban that technique tho, it's way too op



Can you make a tutorial on youtube? I dont understand the trick... ;(

kiberty, Oh_my_gourdness and 3 others like this

just hold space lol

So, i'm new to this forum, but I have found something so useful that it makes a broken trick so much easier.

Karlson has integrated auto-walk. Just hold w,a,s,d !

Ok, so, what's happening with the walking code is that every frame the game is checking if you are holding w,a,s,d. If you are, it applies an force. Since the check is running every frame, you'll essentially move at every possible frame you can move. I just guessed the code thing, but the main fact is actually true.

kiberty, Yallwy and 21 others like this
Georgia, USA

Wait why the fuck has no one tried this. I bet sirtymoo has been doing this the entire time. He's basically been cheating and hasn't told us wtf

jarometer, Cambammm_ and 4 others like this

Wait what, can you explain it in a bit more detail? I haven't been using this in all of my speedruns, I really need to use this to get a sub 6 on escape 1, please make a tutorial for all of us speedrunners to use. :D

sirtymoo likes this

@Scabba123 Why? You just hold spacebar. I'm not even kidding.

After watching some of @sirtymoo's speedruns, I have a suspicion that he knew that before I posted this.

Mrspedrun likes this
Arizona, USA

Wtf?? This is actually fucking monumental. I hated having to do my frame fucking perfect jumps on SB1. Honestly a HUGE discovery!!

you can jump with spacebar? i always wondered how people were able to jump. i just assumed they cheated.

GMD_Capybara, Mrspedrun and 2 others like this
Arizona, USA
Super moderatorsirtymoo
He/Him, They/Them
2 years ago

This will change Karlson speedrunning forever

semicolon likes this
Styria, Austria

this is comedy gold

semicolon and SlushyNoobz like this
Arizona, USA

Wdym " comedy "? This is monumental! It's not a joke!

Pembrokeshire, Wales


Wichita, KS, USA

do im confused all my runs i do this it is not a break through man

Wichita, KS, USA

can't tell if this is a joke though

Andalusia, Spain

holy **** really you can hold the space bar i thought you had to blow yourself up ask god to bring you back to life then you can tap it once

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  • 2:00 PM @VenusPower vs @Binship
  • 5:00 PM @sirty
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