Postal 2 Speedrun FAQ
Postal 2 Speedrun FAQ
Geüpdatet 2 years ago door Jamarley

This is meant to help new runners get into the wonderful world of Postal 2 speedrunning. This guide will be added to as we get along, for now I wanna have the basic stuff covered.

Q: Why do you require an external timer? Why not use the built in in-game timer? A: There are multiple reasons why we don't use this timer. First off the timer is not accurate. Two identical runs can be 10+ seconds apart in the in-game timer. Next, the IGT doesn't account for reloading. So if you save, fail a skip and reload the time is also reversed to where you saved. This makes the IGT completely useless for speedrunning purposes and that is the reason why we use RTA.

Q: What are save glitches? A: Save glitches allow you to skip the cutscenes in Postal 2, shaving massive amounts of time off the run. There have been three save glitches discovered so far:

Quicksave/Quickload (often referred to as QSQL) was the first discovered method to skip cutscenes. Usually you complete an objective, your map appears, the objective gets checked off your map, the map fades out and the cutscene starts. In between this fade out and the cutscene there is an inconsistent number of frames where you can make an input. Now if you bind quicksave to 3 buttons and spam all of them right when the map fades out as fast as you can you have a chance to hit a quicksave in this one frame. If you now reload that quicksave you just made you have successfully skipped the cutscene.

Saveskip abuses the menu programming to skip cutscenes. When you are about to trigger a mission objective you quicksave, reload this save from the menu and hit Esc during the load which will give you a corrupted menu. This menu allows you to navigate to "Save game" while the game is still running in the background. Executed correctly you can trigger objectives and save while you are inside of a cutscene. Reloading this save will lose your inventory, teleport you to the default player position on the map and not allow you to trigger further cutscenes among other effects. For a detailed demonstration visit the "Saveskip/Deathwarp" guide.

Deathwarp works in a similar fashion to saveskip. We save right before dying, execute a load and the same menu corruption as we did with saveskip. We then wait with the save menu open while we die in the background and upon being dead we save, reload the save and get the exact same behavior as we do with saveskip. For a detailed demonstration visit the "Saveskip/Deathwarp" guide.

Q: Why Restricted/Unrestricted? A: We split the game into two categories when it was discovered that it is possible to skip cutscenes by abusing quicksaves. It was later found that there are multiple ways to do this, however we decided this glitch was so major that every cutscene skip that abuses the save mechanics of the game is banned in the Restricted-category but can still be used in the Unrestricted one. As of May 2022 the leaderboards for Restricted and Unrestricted have been merged, read Tokigno's sticky forum post for more information.

Q: What tools can I use to test skips and experiment/practice? A: The best you can do is use PostED to find things on the map, it is a free level editor for Postal 2 and can really help you understand where everything is. In practice using cheats as well as the debug menu are essential. You can open the debug menu by opening the console and typing "enabledebugmenu". This will allow you to start on any map on any day and a bunch of other things.

Q: Why doesn't the milk skip work for me? A: The skip is dependent on your frame rate. You need at least 200fps to have a chance of it working and you can only do it consistently if you have more than 270fps. Use the shelf skip as an alternative, it's only 3 seconds slower if executed well.

Q: How does trick x work? A: For questions about the execution of certain skips visit our speedrun discord!

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Patch 5100 added the day selection from the main menu, you can now submit ILs for all the 5 days, please read the rules and good luck!

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