Hey guys, I decided to try out a 100% run. This guide is based on SLCRG's 100% All Hint Coins run mixed with the Any% route and a few adjustments.
Once again, I use the very simplistic style for this guide, just to make it easier for myself to write it... xD This also means, that it is very likely, that there is a faster route, because I haven't had the time to check every riddles timing and when it is available and if it gets into the Riddle Hut.
I only included the starting and end point of timing, since I feel, that everyone should choose their preferred points of splitting.
Best of luck,
TIME START with clicking OK on the naming screen
001: Top left city
talk to man
002: Click 1
talk to man, click on barrel (next to door), up
Chapter 1
talk to boy
004: Centre house (with blue roof)
click on clock
005: Enter 34
right, talk to man
006: (A) Put 3 and 3, go to (B) (B) If even, go to (C) (B) If tilt, go to (D) (C) Split 2 left, go to (E) (D) Split 2 of 3 and drop third, take bot 2 to high, drop 1 from low, go to (E) (E) If even, dropped is answer (E) If tilt, high is answer
up, talk to man
007: 2W; 1W; 2W; 1W; 2C; 1W1C; 2C; 1W; 2W; 1W; 2W
click on bush
008: Enter 50
up, click on door
click book case
010: mark 知 (top right)
up, talk to man with glasses (in the back)
011: Enter 10
click on chandelier
talk to woman
Chapter 2
2x down, click on cat, down, click on boat
013: Enter 13
down, click on blue door, click on chairs
014: Click E
click candle
015: Enter 3
down, left, click on cat, click on town hall door, click on bottom glass of right window
118: Enter 1000
click on door, down (twice), click on door, talk to woman (give item to Layton), click on picture above woman
2x down, click on car
right, up, left, talk to woman,
click on sign
111: Mark D
up, click on jar
026: Enter 59
click on cat, talk to man with glasses and beard
talk to man in the middle, talk to man with glasses and beard, up, talk to woman
Chapter 3
click on picture (right side), down, talk to woman, down, talk to man, down, click on cat, 2x down, talk to man, click blue door, click jars on counter
032: Enter 100
click candle
033(give item to Layton): Mark the match
down, left, talk to left man
035: Enter 3
click on left doorway
107: Mark right village (red roofs)
up, right, up, talk to man, 2x down, talk to man
038: Mark Beverages (Top)
2x down, left, click on door, talk to man behind bar
Chapter 4
right, talk to man, left, up, talk to man
046(give item to Luke):
down, right, down, click on sign of hotel
click on door, up, talk to man
047(give item to Luke): Mark B
click on door to Riddle Hut
click on door to Riddle Hut, talk to woman, click on door
003: Click A
016: Enter 7
017: Mark ジェリア
018(give item to Layton):
021: Enter 8
023: 8 -> 5 ; 5 ->3 ; 3 ->8 ; 5 ->3 ; 8 ->5 ; 5 ->3 ; 3 -> 8
024: 10 -> 7 ; 7 -> 3 ; 3 -> 10 ; 7 -> 3 ; 3 -> 10 ; 7 -> 3 ; 10 -> 7 ; 7 -> 3 ; 3 ->10
029: Enter 1
030: Mark house (bottom left)
031: Enter 1
036: Enter 1
037: Enter 6:6
039: Mark hat (top right)
040: Enter 44
041: Click D
042: Enter 95
043(give item to Luke): Enter 0
leave menu (もどる in bottom right), down, 2x up, click on door, click on bottle
106: Enter 1
talk to man behind bar, down, right, click on door, talk to man, click on ham above man
click on door, 2x down, talk to woman
055(give item to Luke): Enter 1
down, talk to man
056(give item to Luke): Enter 2
up, right, talk to man
2x up, click on door, up (twice), talk to man on the left
061(give item to Layton:
talk to man on the left again
103(give item to Layton):
3x down, talk to man
Chapter 5
up, click on door, talk to man, 3x down, talk to woman, up, talk to man, up, click on cat
060: Click ひだり
click on door, 2x up, click on journal (left side on desk), down, talk to woman
063(give item to Layton): Move the hands on both eyes of the woman
talk to man in the middle
062: Mark シゲオ (left name)
2x down, talk to woman, 2x down, left, click on right (blue) door, talk to man,
064: Enter 1
click on door, talk to boy
034: Enter 12
talk to left man
057(give item to Luke): Click D
click on door to Riddle Hut, click on door
045: Enter コンパス
048: Enter 5
049(give item to Luke): Enter M
050(give item to Layton): Enter F
051: Click A
053(give item to Luke): Click C
054: Click the moon
Leave menu (もどる in bottom right), down, up, talk to girl
066: 1 and 2
click on cat/mouse
065: Enter ヒト
talk to girl
067: Enter だいすき
up, talk to man, right, talk to man (twice)
068: Enter 12
click door, talk to man
069(give item to Luke): Enter 29
click door, up, left
talk to man
071(give item to Layton): Click C
click on pillar (Top Left)
101: Enter 6
click on newspaper, talk to left man, click on bookcase
108: Enter み
click on desk, click on right drawer, click on door, 2x down, click on door, talk to woman, down
Chapter 6
up, talk to right boy
072(give item to Luke): Enter 4
up, click on right door, talk to man
109 (give item to Layton):
click door, up, left, talk to woman
074: Click A (the box below the letter)
talk to woman again
075(give item to Luke): Enter 4
up, click on sign (top of screen)
up, talk to woman
102: Enter 20
click on right window (without bars)
117: Enter 1
up, 6x back, left, talk to man
076: Enter 20
talk to girl
077(give item to Layton): Click B
click on door, talk to man behind bar
078(give item to Layton): 16 -> 9 ; 9 -> 7 ; 7 -> 16 ; 9 -> 7 ; 16 -> 9 ; 9 -> 7 ; 7 -> 16 ; 9 -> 7 ; 16 -> 9 ; 9 -> 7 ; 7 -> 16 ; 9-> 7 ; 16 -> 9 ; 9 -> 7 ; 7 -> 16
talk to man behind bar again
talk to man at table
080(give item to Layton):
talk to man at table again
talk to man at table again
082(give item to Layton):
talk to man at table again
click on door, up, click on sign
Chapter 7
down, right, click on blue door, talk to man (twice),
073(give item to Layton): Enter 11
click on door, left, down the hole in the ground, talk to man, click hole above ladder
left, talk to man
084: Enter 3
up, click car
085(give item to Layton): Enter 60
left, back, right, talk to man
086: Enter 4
up, click on poster, up, click on right side of right stand
115: Mark D
right, click on ferris wheel
087: Enter 42
right, back, talk to man
088(give item to Luke): Enter みず
click right part of the building
116: Enter 51
up, left, down, click on tablet in the back
089(give item to Layton):
left, click door
up, click on picture in the back/middle, click on picture on the right
091(give item to Layton): Click B
back, right, up, back, left, 2x back
Chapter 8
go down through the hole, go right, talk to man
back, up through hole, right, back, click on door, talk to woman, back, up, right, up, talk to man
093: S, N, W, S, C, N, S
put picture together (mini game), up, click door, up
Choose the third option: あまーいスイートポテト
Choose the first option: ネコのクローディア探しのとき
4x back, left, 2x up, right, click on door, talk to man
104(give item to Layton):
check rooms (mini game), click door, up, left, 2x up, talk to woman
105: Enter 6
Chapter 9
up, click on door, left, click on lock
left, click on lock
up, talk to man
096: Enter 64
left, click on lock
right, talk to woman
098: ♦ J ♥ ♣ ♠
up, click on door
099: 41286-7953
click on door, click on lock
2x right, put the robot dog together and give him a name(mini game), click door
Choose the first option: このまま、最上階の家の中に進む
Click on where the apple is supposed to be
TIME END with second text box after last mystery screen