Leaderboards opening soon - Discussion about the leaderboards
1 year ago
United Kingdom

Hello heisters,

Thought it'd be wise to take a moment to discuss the current leaderboard layout/decisions taken regarding certain rules, as a way of being entirely transparent on the matter of possible future steps!


The biggest rule decision, arguably, is the decision to use IGT (In-Game Time) despite the timer being broken via server related issues. The reason this decision was taken, was due to the fact that each option had pros/cons, and we felt that using IGT provided the most ease of access, whilst reducing the cons as much as possible.

The options that were available to us were as follows:

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Use IGT.

Pros: Makes runs easier for runners to submit as the timer is provided "out of the box" and, mostly, works


Is slightly inconsistent depending on the current server status/a runners internet connection to the server

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Use RTA.


Would be a more reliable time method than IGT as it'd be 100% consistent


Would impart a larger burden on runners to add a real time clock to their run via video editing (of which console runners may not have access to)

Opens the door to runners abusing the clock by slightly speeding up their run by a small percent (1-2%) which would be nigh impossible to tell for verification purposes

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Use a mod to fix IGT.


Fixed IGT - obviously.


Console runners wouldn't have access to this mod

Vastly complicates the barrier to entry for a new runner

Possible tampering of the mod as a cheating method

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Another rule decision worth discussing, was the banning of private servers. The reason for this was due to the fact that private servers are 1) accessible only by pc players, creating a divide between console/pc runs, and 2) private servers provide an unfair advantage in some cases - such as pagers triggering upon guard death almost immediately, compared to the usual 5-7 second (or so) wait a normal server runner would experience.

The rules regarding mods were also written due to similar reasonings as the aforementioned rule decisions, creating a divide between pc/console runners as well as opening the door to risk of cheating within runs, as mods can functionally be anything - from mere asset replacements, to skill tree/skill effect modification. A mod that makes "rush" provide a 12% movement speed bonus over the base game 10% would be incredibly hard to notice from mere eye-review.

Future leaderboard steps:

As with every leaderboard, nothing is ever set in stone - and things are always subject to change depending on what the community wants or desires. We've personally seen some really good suggestions for categories, such as:

  • Maskless%
  • Full Stealth
  • Full Loud
  • All loot
  • Asset-less
  • Random Seed

We hear the demand for such categories, and feel that these categories would be more suited to a category extensions type of page - in an effort to maintain the simplistic choices of the main leaderboards for new runners to not be overwhelmed by too many choices. The category extension leaderboard shall be coming soon (TM).

Some of the aforementioned categories would also only be possible on some heists rather than all heists, which is complicated to do with speedrun.com's leaderboard settings. For example, "Maskless%" is impossible for 'Road Rage' as the game automatically forces you to mask up - however - speedrun.com's leaderboard settings would mean every individual level (even Road Rage) would have this category applied to them.

Another point of discussion was the decision about the seperation of PC/Console runners in order to provide each runner a leaderboard without feeling pressure from the other type of runner. Ultimately we decided against this as with co-op runs being possible cross-platform, it'd result in categories sometimes having PC/Console split, whilst others not having that split, which may be confusing for new runners. HOWEVER, runs can be filtered based on the platform it was performed on, allowing console runners to compare runs with other console runners.

Once again, leaderboards can always be changed - nothing is set in stone completely. So we can change things if the community need or desire arises. This post was meant to ensure clarity for why decisions were taken the way they were, and we hope you can appreciate our reasonings for these decisions.

If you have any questions about either the rules, or the next steps of the leaderboards, we're more than happy to answer - either here, or in the discord server: here.

Bewerkt door de auteur 1 year ago
Levi_Barber en Haracookie vindt dit leuk
New York, USA

I know the dirty ice leader board, or the duo one at least goes up on oct 5th, so if i live on the east coast of america, and i post it at 12am does that count as oct 5th to you. unrelated ik but i must know

United Kingdom

You may submit now :D - a few hours here or there before oct 5th local or not won't make too much difference, the oct 5th lock was just so we could get things up and running, which... hopefully... everything should be setup correctly :D

Bewerkt door de auteur 1 year ago
Tank0321 vinden dit leuk
New York, USA

i have resubmitted my speedrun, sorry for asking you directly like that (:

United Kingdom

No worries about asking! We're here to help! :)


Reading this now i have to say im dissapointed in the decicion to use in game timer as u can lose up to 4 seconds just by loading in. This hugely effects everyone, even if you have a god run but you have bad loadtime u can lose everything. Think it should be reconciderd, even if the console will have it a little bit harder i dont see the reason for them to edit a timer into the video as when they upload it they can either see it/time it on their phone and the mods that accept the run can/should retime it before they confirm the run.

Didnt realise the biggest RNG this speedrunning community was gonna have was the loading screen.


Bonjour, comment se passent les nouvelles catégories ?


Je viens de voir que vous avez ajouté ces catégories. Ils sont très peu visibles (difficile à trouver), je l’ai trouvé par hasard lol


Bonjour, désolé du manque de communication. Je prends l'intérim étant donné qu'il s'agit d'une conversation francophone. As-tu les ajouts en anglais ?

Bewerkt door de auteur 11 months ago

"Random seed" it's a must. This game is completely different if you know the codes that you previously gathered vs needing to find them.

illest vinden dit leuk
United States

@B_Lior We have non seeded categories here -> https://www.speedrun.com/pd3ce

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