The current route i use! (VR) Hardcore - Alternate Ending (PSVR)
The current route i use! (VR) Hardcore - Alternate Ending (PSVR)
Geüpdatet 4 years ago door CrypticBombs

This game is fairly simple once you beat it the first time. This route uses some minor glitches to get through a floor, a fence, and walls. ---- The first part is fairly simple I don't know what is faster depending on the speed of the person but, you either go through the fence by walking (irl) or go the normal way through the broken part. ---- Once you are at the porch go to the right and in the middle grow box is a key to the front door, once in the door go inside, grab the battery on the table, go down the hall to your left and in the farthest door to the right. In there you need to go in the dresser/ drawers and grab one of the two batteries. ------- After you grab the battery run the next door on the left and grab the key at the from of the mirror then run to the main room you go into the house from and trigger the glass door to slam and start adjusting the clock. When the clock is done crouch down and grabs the candle. As soon as you do that run to the stairs for the book and proceed to the girl's room. ----- Go to the closet and grab the paper on the floor. Proceed normally, go to near the tv at the end of the hall until it turns on. Then trigger the mom and go to the red room. In the biggest hall in the red room at the left is a cabinet thing on the left of that is a key in the glass. Grab the key and when in the big room with two options, go right. --------- Once you spawn in the girl's room go out the door and turn left at the stairs. The left door will open go in there and after a sharp right, on a shelf is the birth certificate go there. Then walk forward so the light go off, turn the flashlight on until you see the girl. Grab the tape, the tape player, and the paper. ------ Run down the stairs but don't go down the second part of it. Go against the railing and walk forward (irl) then grab the brush that's in a box to the right of the TV and open the kitchen door at the back of the living room with the triangle key. Then take a hard right and get the tape player out. Open the door, use the tape player, and go into the firepit to go downstairs. ----- The basement can be very janky so be careful. Right away grab the coin to the left and place it on the table at the front of the room. Then go to the right and grab the paper and coin. Place the coin down and burn the paper to begin the ritual. Get the coins to the right spots. When that's done look left and grab the doll. Just sit there and wait for the girl to come in and drop the flashlight. Grab it then go hide. --------- Run to the grandma's room and use the other key you have. Grab the cross and either run out the door or walk (irl) to the middle of the chair and walk through the wall. (yes it should be that easy). ----- The run up the stairs to the bathroom door. (straight from the top of the stairs) You will need to crouch in-game then get as low as possible and adjust your position. Then stand up and uncrouch, you should be taller than the wall and be able to walk over (irl). Grab the bottle on the bathtub and do the same thing to get out as the door doesn't work. Run into the door to the left and go through the whole cut scene. ----------- Once in the bathroom grab the paper on the left of the door on the floor. When you see the dresser outside of mom's room go to the left into the pink girl's room and grab the bottle to the right on the bench thing. Then run back to the blue room that you spawned in after the red area. Go up to the attic, grab the paper to the right, and activate the girl. Head back as far as you can and walk over the ledge (irl). This part is kinda jank. You are usually in the wall and need to walk forward but sometimes you spawn by the stairs. --------- Anyway grab the dads head and go to the bathroom. When in there, go to the bathtub, crouch in-game, then put your head down as far as you can to go through the floor. Then walk through the door with the pentagram. --- This is the final part of the level. In your off-hand get the tape player out. Go around the corner in the big room and go to the second of two doors that are close together. At the bottom of the door, a purple tape will be pushed out by the girl. Grab that and put it in the tape player. Make sure you have the head before you play the tape. Play the tape and burn the paper off your hand in the middle of the ritual. The rest is the same as a normal play through but be careful. The end is where a run can easily die. - Good Luck on your runs!

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