Welcome thread!
9 years ago

Welcome everyone on the Pandora's Tower speedrun forum!

If you just found this game by accident let me introduce it: Pandora's Tower is a Wii game that came out in 2012 in Europe/Japan, 2013 in USA, and is part of the Operation Rainfall game, with Xenoblade Chronicles and The Last Story.

Even if it's part of the same "serie", it's not, in contrast with the 2 other games, a J-RPG focused game. This game is more of a dungeon crawler where you have to finish 12 towers in which a boss is at the very end, called masters. The whole game is based on those dungeons since there is no overworld maps. There is also a home where the hero, Aeron can talk with Elena, the heroin and main reason why we are here, and increase his relationship with her, which will be what will change the end of the game. You can also talk to Mavda, a Vestran mysterious woman, and trade, buy, sell and create stuff.

The fighting gameplay is in really two parts, the main weapon (starting with your sword), which allow to fight at close range and the Oraklos Chain, which can be used in really various ways: grapple lever, items, open doors, yank ennemies to deal damage, stop them from moving... and so on. It's really the main feature of the game and uses motion control and the main reason why it's a really cool game to play!

Anyway, I think I'm done with this really brief presentation. There are a lot of stuff I didn't present, but this isn't the main focus of this thread, and this forum. This forum is going to be the place where we are going to discuss strats, routes and everything speedrun related to his game. Besides the two runs done on the 11th by me and chopperman nothing has been done on this speedgame and it's the occasion for all of us to vcreate a new speedgame from scratch! i'm really looking for it, and hope we will be to create something amazing !

NinjasInCarpets vinden dit leuk
Basse-Normandie, France

Hi. I really love this game and thought about speedrunning it, I didn't know I was not the only one =p I was wondering if some stuff to go faster has be found, or if for now runs are just "towers rushing" ? I personally haven't find glitch, skip or anything useful yet, do you ?

NinjasInCarpets vinden dit leuk

Hey! sorry for late reply, I don't check this forum enough ^^'

As I said, it's a really really new speedgame, and nothing really fantastic has been found. I'm currently trying to find optimizations but that's really all.

I probably should start to do a thread for each tower or something.

Anyway the runs rushes tower for now, taking some books on the way to gather money to get Umbrariu and Mobilium to skip some fights or go faster respectively. We have pretty much found a good movement/item route, but still need optimizations ;)

My current route for C ending end around lvl 18 if you wonder ;)

Basse-Normandie, France

Yeah, I watched your run. The use of umbrarium very surprised me, because I haven't use this item ever, so I didn't know it could be that useful ^^' I think I will start running this game in the following days. But now I am working to find some tricks, and unintended shortcuts. I havn't find anything really useful for now, but if I'm still searching. I'm sure we can find very cool stuff :)


I have found out you can skip freeing a platform in Ironclad turret (the very last one in the final ascension.) I did a serie of ILs to test strats and optimize everything on my channel. Once I'll be done I'll start moving everything here hopefully :)


Individual Level. Trying to get the best time in each tower, pretty much ^^

Basse-Normandie, France

Okay . I'll check it out :)

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