Extra Categories
4 years ago
Pennsylvania, USA

I was thinking of a 100% speedrun that includes: Cleaning up every mess in the house, getting all coins, getting the shotgun and pellets, then not killing the entity but going down the cellar, lighting ALL of the torches and getting the coins, then you would play the game out as the entity. Probably ending the game on the "hanged man" ending because it is quicker, but you could make it so you have to follow the keeper to the pit for the end.

This also brings miscellaneous categories to mind such as All coins%, All Clean% (cleaning every mess AND fixing your roof on the last day) and Moth any% where you play through the game as fast as possible, become the bug and go for the hanged man ending where you do not follow the keeper to the maze. The biggest difference in Bug Any% would be not getting the coins and of course not shooting the bug.

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