Incorrectly Timed Runs
5 years ago
Queensland, Australia

I would like to request that my Mile High Club Recruit run be timed accurately, along with Bepsi's run of the same category. All other runs on the board use the accurate timing formula. Surviv0r's response of "Timer always begins from 3:00.00 as it starts counting down from it. Everyone begins movement at the same time (or should), so it does not matter whether we add a second or not," does not seem to make sense, and, naturally, he timed his own run accurately.

Bepsi vinden dit leuk

It does, and I will retime your runs accordingly. It seems that I somehow confused MWR with CoD4. Sorry about that :/

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Arcade Runs

As of 9/22/23, arcade runs are no longer allowed. All existing arcade runs on the boards have been retimed, and any arcade runs submitted from here on will be rejected.

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