Not bad for a return to the category!
But also not the Yoshi I'm going to be satisfied with. Bare minimum, I want Yoshi 3 Home Plate done in the same match as Shy Guy 5 Strikeouts and Yoshi 3 Tongue Catches (whether that ends up being Mario or Peach in the end) so that I only have one slow match. But overall, I think this run demonstrates the merits of my new approach: a "fast five" match that pursues only the bare minimum of offense required to clear the slower batting missions and win the match overall, followed by four first-inning mercies (or otherwise trying to leave the match as fast as possible). 15 outs is enough to clear every single defensive mission on Yoshi's team, and defensive missions are the much greater factor in whether a run in this category is good or not- might as well gamble hard on them right at the beginning while minimizing the time spent on other stuff, right? That's the idea at least.
(Psst. This logic also applies to the Wario and DK categories. ;) )
I still remember thinking, when I got my previous PB almost two years ago, "god, I dunno if sub hour will ever happen". I've come a very long way since then, and I'm gonna keep doing attempts for a while to see how low I can push this thing this time around.