Should I Continue?
8 years ago
New York, USA

Over the past couple weeks I have been accused of being fraud. People have even said I'm a, " disgrace to the speedrunners that work hard for their times." It has been getting out of hand. These accusations have made me debate to continue speedrunning or not. I've had so much going on with my family and spedrunning helps me forget about the family problems I am having, and these people accusing me of fraud just makes everything worse for me. One of them make a thread that I shouldn't be a mod for any game and for no one to add me as a mod. He said exactly this, "To any mod, please do NOT mod dylan. He is a fraud and a disgrace to the speedrunning community." I want to point something out to everyone. You can believe me if you want to. I do not fraud. I wouldn't do that to any game. I speedrun as a hobby. I'm not trying to have all of this drama. I just want to have fun playing the games I love. At this point I have stepped down from mod for a lot of games and debating if I want to do the same for this game. After I get a sub 22 in any% and sub 35 in All Captains I will most likely stop speedrunning forever...

Illinois, USA

Na Dylan, don't stop. I have no idea why anyone would say that to you. Your not a fraud. In fact it is my dream to meet any mod of this game and some other people as well. I would say that try and avoid those people. I feel sympathy for you and you shouldn't be treated this way. With family problems I can see why you have to take reoccurring breaks. Just remember, I first came to speedrunning a lot like you did- no capture device or own computer, I just used a camera. Now people are yelling at me for not having a video. Some people (hint hint TheErgkjr hint hint OpieOP ) are getting really mad at me for no video. I would say just keep going maybe do some offline runs if your worried about torture. Remember I/We are here for you :D

New York, USA

Thanks crc2004. Maybe we will meet someday. That was be awesome. I agree, for a while ill do some offline runs and keep them to myself (unless for a race or something) at least until everything clears up.

United States

I've never seen you do anything wrong, and from the start of my MSS runs, I looked up to mods like you. You are far from a disgrace, and I don't see any reason for you to be criticized.

New York, USA

These people have even gone to the extreme to get Kirkq involved. An admin of the site. I think its for the best if I play offline for a long while. These people accusing me think because I a phone I should be able to provide video proof.

Illinois, USA

FrankerZ I wish I was masen :P

Bewerkt door de auteur 8 years ago
Gelderland, Netherlands

Good job dylan taking everything I said completely out of context. This was the full message:

Dylan, you're a fraud and you know it. After I pointed this out on one of your runs you took down all the other runs of that game, you have no evidence whatsoever and for some curious reason you finally started proving with video today. Your runs are a fraud and you do not deserve to be mod of any of the games you mod. I have already disproven one of your runs and I will find ways to disprove more and unmask you as the fraud you are.

To any mod, please do NOT mod dylan. He is a fraud and a disgrace to the speedrunning community.

Also, for those wondering what Im talking about:

  1. He has no video evidence on any game before today (June 30th)
  2. I have disproven one of his times as it was about 14% faster then the fastest possible time to get in said run (more info:
  3. Today (June 30th) he started submitting times with video (or rather, half a video) to disprove my point
  4. Nearly every single run he has on the board is self verified

I dont mean to publically shame anyone, but I feel like fraudulant people are a disgrace to the speedrunners that work hard for their times and should be dealt with appropriatly.

My pieces of evidence stand to this day. There is no video evidence on his runs and he has done nothing to prove anything still. This was a respond on a post where he asked to be remodded cause he "accidentally unmodded himself", something you cannot do by accident (it asks something along the lines of are you sure you want to unmod yourself before its even close). He's just asking for attention and I would request he would provide video for his next run. Something he has neglegted to do to this day.

Illinois, USA

Crrool. Crrool. I can't believe you. This does kind of make me wonder but still as far as I know he doesnt have that many wr's only 2, and BTW that thread post you said had more info is fake it doesn't exist. Crrool I have no runs with video currently, so why has noone called me a fraud yet? I'm not a fraud! DYLAN. IS. NOT. A. FRAUD. Just because he can't submit video doesn't mean he's a fraud.

Gelderland, Netherlands

Shame somebody deleted the thread. Basically what it was about was an IL run he had on there that was nearly 14% faster then possible. And we're talking about a game where its litteraly hold down to win (the IL is about 75 frames, his time was about 11 frames faster somehow). That doesnt check out. Then when further investigating it turned out he has no video up and on the ones that require video the link said, effectivaly bypassing the video check. After pointing him out he removed all his runs. We're talking a browser game where its takes nothing special at all to make a recording (Set up a local recording in OBS takes practically no effort at all)

Making a video for speedrunning is as easy as you can get. Any phone can make video's and in a day and age where anyone can I feel like its absurd we dont demand it. You can still speedrun without video, but if you dont care enough to record evidence, then why do care about getting that same time on a leaderboard. You can speedrun for fun all the same, but when you make it official, you should have it official.

Also the notion of "only 2 WR's" is just rediculous. How can you claim to hold a record if there is no evidence of this. Thats like saying you have the fastest time in the 100m sprint with nothing to back it up. Making a video isnt hard. You can do this offline as a local recording or even with potato cam and just upload to youtube afterwards. It doesnt take a scientist to figure out how to do that anymore these days. 1 google search would result in step by step guides as to how to make a video and even my grandmother could figure this stuff out.

Now, if that wasnt enough, there are so many things wrong with his story.

  1. He has mod in douzens of games he doesnt even run
  2. he "accidentaly" unmodded himself of a game (and trust me, thats hard to do by accident)
  3. The moment I pointed him out he just flat out gave up, he didnt even resist the notion
  4. The moment he got pointed out he immidiatly said he would retire speedrunning.
  5. When asking for evidence, he didnt even try to make a video proving his skill
  6. All his runs are self verified
  7. He got pointed out by 1 person and requests a namechange the day after and all of that is not even mentioning the point he had 1. A run faster then remotely possible and 2. Has no video whatsoever

These arent just 1 or 2 little things, there are litteraly red flags all over the place here. This isnt the first fraud I encountered and trust me, there are more things wrong with this story then I can count

New York, USA

I wanted a name change for something new. Not just because you pointed something out. Who said I'm not allowed to get a name change? Plus the reason I might retire is not because of you. It's because I don't want to go on Twitter and here just to see accusations all the time. You can't just assume that. I hand splited Math VS Monsters so its not always going to be "frame perfect" as you say. Also my phone is not going to be able to record 20-40 min runs so we can just stop mentioning a phone. And how it is my fault that I bypassed the video check. The games I did that for the mods accepted the runs. Or the game doesn't require verification. How come you didn't get on Racing Monster when he deleted his runs without video a couple days ago. Oh and before I forget. Those games that I don't run are because I'm one of the mods for the ENTIRE Mario Sports series. There's a lot of games in there if you didn't see. My phone has almost zero space. I can barley record a 30 sec video

Bewerkt door de auteur 8 years ago
Illinois, USA

OK thanks for the clarification. Next time open up the game case to show you have the disc KappaPride Dylan

New Jersey, USA

Crrool if the mods accepted his runs you shouldn't worry about it being fake. Why do you care anyway? You don't even run this game

Hugh vinden dit leuk
New Jersey, USA

You don't even run any of the games Dylan runs anyway so it shouldn't matter to you. And going off what Dylan said you're just assuming which gives you no proof. You can't just assume things like that unless you know more which you clearly don't

Bewerkt door de auteur 8 years ago
electriccrusher891 en Hugh vindt dit leuk

no video = no record, get that in your head.

United States

Why are you a part of this? Are you one of these "people accusing him of fraud?" To quote Fudster in the post above, "you don't even run any of the games Dylan runs anyway so it shouldn't matter to you."

ToadNorton en Hugh vindt dit leuk

what if someone else wanted to run them? Would they have to go against a no video run? Also i didnt accuse him of anything, if he cant get himself the stuff to record his videos then he shouldnt run it in the first place and wait until he can.

something i just noticed as well, everyone defending him dont even record videos for their own runs either!(except Ampsen)

Oh boy...

Bewerkt door de auteur 8 years ago
United States

Are you honestly saying that he shouldn't be able to do something he enjoys simply because he can't record? That seems pretty outlandish.

ToadNorton en Hugh vindt dit leuk

that was probably a bit too much, but if he's submitting to a board then the best is to get the stuff to actually record runs, its for the best.

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