Hello everyone! It's been a while.
Anyways, I know this was meant to be done from a long time, but nothing's too late! The Mr. Meat Speedrunning Discord server is finally a real thing and you can join it! (link: https://discord.gg/hQC6jYTwC6)
Mod Application
Since all of the mods left and it's only me remaining, I made a moderator application form for those who wants to be a moderator for the game and thinks they could be a great addition to Mr. Meat!
Edit: Just message me. I closed the form due to the lack of activity put into it
Where can I find it?
It's in the Discord server in #announcements channel which you can find by joining the server using the link above, I encourage you to join the server if you want a higher chance of becoming a moderator.
That's all! See you later when the mod application results come out in 2 days!
Hello everyone! It's been a while.
Anyways, I know this was meant to be done from a long time, but nothing's too late! The Mr. Meat Speedrunning Discord server is finally a real thing and you can join it! (link: )
Since all of the mods left and it's