There's no flipless mobile categories. Besides, they could delete the flipless on the winter page, and then put them here.
when will it happen? I don't like that @gaming_64 casual records are in first place
I mean when will the flipless% world records be moved here?
@CrimsonCurve700 Are you saying that the records set by @gaming_64 are not casual? just compare these two speedruns: if jabern moved all the runs from winter to CE then gaming_64 would now be in 7th place
We should move the records at some point. I agree that my records are casual (and kinda half-assed), though they are not real "records." I agree that we should move the ones on the winter board down to here.
Sub of Best Segments has been moved to miscellaneous due to the not-so-strict submitting guidelines for that category.