Changelog 21/04/20
4 years ago
Tasmania, Australia

With @Merl_ and I having been made mods for the game, we've been able to overhaul the layout of the page. This is a list of changes.

  • Added a new custom theme, with the background taken from the Mobility website
  • Added new icon and first, second and third place trophies, made by @Merl_
  • Added a new logo in Mobility's Mandrill font
  • Added link to the community Discord server
  • Added Web platform as the game can be played on, and moved all old runs done on Web
  • Added the genre, developer, and engine
  • Updated the game link in Resources to go to the page with the latest version
  • Added a save file for Any% runs
  • Columns with no times will no longer be shown
  • Tweaked some spelling of category names
  • All runs will now always show milliseconds
  • Added rules for every IL category and level, and updated the wording for some
  • Added ILs for each debug level found in the Debug Room and the inaccessible level Final Boss Old
  • Added universal Game Rules
  • Added new Any%, No Spin Jumps, and All Levels + Debug full-game categories
  • Made the different modes into subcategories for Any% No Major Glitches, All Levels, and All Levels + Debug
  • Added and updated rules for all full-game categories
Bewerkt door de auteur 4 years ago
grntsz, D3cIma, en Merl_ vindt dit leuk

Will there be any mod based updates in the future?

Tasmania, Australia

@GeneralTubbs What do you mean mod based updates?

@TCM I think I worded it wrong, here's a better version of the question I asked: Is there any extra levels in the mods that you and Merl_ have created (discluding the old CEO fight), and if so, how would I be able to get the mods running, is there a tutorial in the discord? And what requirements do the mods have to be able to run, like what version of the game do they have to run on.

French Southern Territories

The levels that we added are not mods, they are levels in the actual game. The "debug" levels can be accessed via the secret "debug room" which you can enter by going back to the first room in the beginning after beating the game, and then walljumping up the left wall. The levels, "final boss old" and "move platf" can only be accessed by manually editing the save file, as they were not included in the final release of the game. I forget what the level IDs are and the file path to the save data are, so I will edit this post later with proper instructions.

French Southern Territories

Ok, here's the file path to get to the save data:

*appdata is a hidden folder, so just search for %appdata% to get to that folder

Open up the file for whichever save file you want in notepad, and then scroll until you find the section where it says: saveroom=

change the number after the = to either 50, for final boss old, or 56, for move platf

You can't exit out of the level if you modify the save this way, so if you want to keep playing the game on that file, you'll have to modify the file again to be in a different room

Bewerkt door de auteur 2 years ago

I am aware about the debug room, I'm just asking if you have created any levels of your own and have a mod in which I could play them, since I'm looking for more of a challenge in this game, as I have done all levels on all game modes, with max crowns.

French Southern Territories

Nobody knows how to mod the game, and we have not created any levels. I wish there was a level editor for this game, because I also would like to play more challenging levels.

If you haven't already, you should try playing the debug level "Arduum" and on growth mode.

D3cIma vinden dit leuk

yep I did do arduum on growth, I also got a 5.07 of maze V.2 (please don't ask why I did that, I really don't know why.)

Bewerkt door de auteur 2 years ago
French Southern Territories

Well, there isn't much left in the game to do except for speedrun it, but you could also try doing some challenge runs. The game is possible to beat without spin jumps, and it's also possible to beat without long jumps, so that can create some extra challenge.

D3cIma en TCM vindt dit leuk
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