Regarding PC/Genesis versions
4 years ago

Hello there.

I currently moderate the page dedicated to this game's PC version ( When I started running this, I went straight for a game request without trying to contact anyone here, and due to how drastically different it is from the SNES version it got accepted. In retrospect, I really should've tried making this post first back then. Anyways, recently @FrancisJAM started running this on Genesis, which is the version of the game that the PC port is based off of. As a result Genesis/PC are pretty similar to each other, but still have a number of differences that will almost certainly warrant the two being in separate categories.

When thinking of what to do with Genesis, we thought that maybe all game versions (outside of GB) should be hosted on the same page for convenience, of course being separated in three different tabs for each version. After all, this page lists all three platforms, so perhaps that was the original intent of who set this page up. What do you think?

Alternatively, I could ask the page currently dedicated to the PC version to be rebranded to PC/Genesis, since it would make more sense for the two of them at least to be hosted on the same page.

@Bummyeire @KillerHUD

Bewerkt door de auteur 4 years ago
Victoria, Australia

Hey, just messaging as I noticed no one else has since I saw the post last week. I spoke to the site mods a couple months ago because this game was kind of dead. Bummyeire hasn't logged on in a couple years, they got a hold of KillerHUD though and said he had turned on email notifications so should be a more active.

Any way I think that would be a fine idea combining them into sub category versions of this game. It's not a huge community or popular game with multiple run types. Creating a very slightly larger more condensed community couldn't hurt it.

I've only done a quick full run so far, planning on spending a bit of time in it in the near future and hopefully get competitive.

Saying that, you seem pretty active on this site so if @KillerHUD wanted to remove Bummyeire as a moderator and add you as a second, if he felt the need, that would be good too if you where interested (The Sitemods told me to ask this a while ago with adding myself but I don't mind if its you)


Hey, yeah I agree. I've actually already made a request to rebrand the PC page to PC/Genesis :P I can always redact it though. The thing is, I've tried to also contact KillerHUD on twitter and got no response there either, so I had given up hope that this thread would see any replies lol.

But yeah, combining would be my personal preferred option. It's not very pretty to see separate pages for just a tiny amount of runs IMO.

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