MKSM Demo - Category
Olá, venho trazer uma nova sugestão para esse jogo. Eu vi que o God Of War tem uma categoria de Demo para speedrun, e eu acho interessante trazer a versão protótipo para o Shaolin Monks. Já tenho a run no meu canal do youtube e já convenci alguns amigos a fazer
Hello, I come to bring a new suggestion for this game. I saw that God Of War has a Demo category for speedrun, and I find it interesting to bring the prototype version to the Shaolin Monks also. I already have the run on my youtube channel and I already convinced some friends to do it.
Tenka en Yuri_oliveira vindt dit leuk
Added a category for it under "misc". Feel free to submit the current run you have and let me know if there are any rules that should be changed/added/modified.
OAleex en Yuri_oliveira vindt dit leuk
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