7 years ago
British Columbia, Canada

i want to see if you guys know the best kart. [i think i know]

Victoria, Australia

Egg1 is probably the best one. Dry bomber and BLS are also good. Use dry bones if you can.

British Columbia, Canada

yes you are right

Victoria, Australia

Best handling I believe.

Gelderland, Netherlands

Characters don't matter a lot, but there's a slight difference in off-road, the lower the weight the better. That's why Dry Bones is prefered.

As for karts, the most acceptable are egg 1, dry bomber and rob-bls.

cros107 vinden dit leuk
British Columbia, Canada

goomba is right also goomba could you please make me a mod it would make me so happy

Gelderland, Netherlands

Yeah because begging for mod while I've clearly already said that I don't need any modding help is gonna do the trick

British Columbia, Canada

i know i was hopeful

British Columbia, Canada

goomba i notice that there was a problem with my 32 track run could you please delete it. thank you in advanced.

British Columbia, Canada

thank you and how do you delete your own runs

Victoria, Australia

Pretty sure you can't delete your own runs unless you're a mod.

edit: guess I'm wrong then, lmao

Bewerkt door de auteur 7 years ago
Ontario, Canada

You can delete your own runs, click on your run, then click on the triple dots in the top right corner.

Bewerkt door de auteur 7 years ago
British Columbia, Canada

J_duude is not wrong

Victoria, Australia

Wait what? Really? Wow, I had no idea.

Texas, USA

The only stats that characters have are weight. Weight effects 2 things: how easily you get pushed around from collisions with other players, and your offroad speed. The lighter you are, the higher your offroad speed. Dry bones is the lightest character (has the lowest weight stat), so he can go the fastest offroad.

Also here's a list of the characters from heaviest to lightest

Bowser R.O.B. Wario DK Waluigi Mario Luigi Daisy Peach Yoshi Shy Guy Toad Dry Bones

British Columbia, Canada

Thank you this was very helpful.

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