RE: thegamer1185
5 years ago
Georgia, USA

Creating a thread here so we can avoid cluttering up the site thread: . @thegamer1185 (someone I know from his impressive submissions in Wave Race GB, another game I moderate on this site) claims he submitted times for all the tracks in this game. You can check his claims from his post history on . No one has any record whatsoever of this; not me, not the site moderators, no one. I have been moderating this board since around 11/14/18 (see for more details) and I have never known of the existence of any of these supposed runs or submissions, nor have I ever seen them on the boards.

A few days ago, I was made aware of thegamer1185's posts in the site forum thread, and dug up some old logs from the Wave Race discord - where I know thegamer1185 from. We'd talked a bit about his submissions in Wave Race GB (with me requesting that he submit edited runs as opposed to links to Twin Galaxies submission pages containing long, unedited videos), and there were a few references to MSUSA GBC. However, as far as I can tell he never claimed to have submitted anything - he just indicated he would. Here are some logs from the #wave-race-gb channel in the Wave Race community speedrunning discord. I have bolded relevant sections. I have edited out irrelevant discussion when possible, but all logs are still available in the discord, which is entirely public.

[quote]THEGAMER1185 11/23/2018 So do I really have to edit my videos down to get them accepted? All the quick info for when a lap/race starts is provided in the link to TG. Highlight the link, open in new tab. Read my submission info on TG which is directly under the video telling you exactly when my run starts. Shouldn't take more than 10 seconds to highlight the link, open it, and read my start time. My messages on TG are very short and to the point. The very first sentence is always when my run begins. I don't have any video editing software is my other issue. Uploading a single video takes forever also. And yes, there is always one track that just irritates the hell out of you. I think it was circuit 4. By the time I was done I said F it. BTW, I crushed all my old times. Embarrassed I even submitted those first times to begin with.

meauxdal 11/23/2018 i don't think it's undue to ask that the videos submitted are just of the run itself if you need help with video editing, we can definitely help there the moderator time is a one-time annoyance, but your times are going to be the ones that people are looking at when they want to see the fastest times set for the courses you've submitted, and it's just annoying to have to load a separate page and scrub through a TG video if it's just a matter of getting the videos edited, there's a piece of software called Avidemux it's free and open-source and easy to use

Doctorfeesh 11/23/2018 avidemux is so good

meauxdal 11/23/2018 btw, your runs are very impressive and i'm glad you joined the discord here @thegamer1185

[snip irrelevant discussion]

THEGAMER1185 11/23/2018 I did find a video editor. Can I upload to youtube and just share that link? I guess I'm used to TG and their "must show everything" rules. Clears all doubt what I used and how I did it. I'll get on all that this weekend. I'm not much of a speed runner. I much prefer high scores and maxing things out. But this game just hooked me. I did a quick run through of Mickey's Speedway USA for the GB a month ago or so. @meauxdal, you are correct, that is a pretty damn good racing game. And it's quick as well. You can restart a race from inside the race....unlike Wave Race. You never realize how amazing that feature is until you don't have it. So fucking annoying, haha.

meauxdal 11/23/2018 hahaha no doubt i have been pushing that game hard lately yeah uploading to youtube is basically the standard practice on (frequently abbreviated SRC here)

THEGAMER1185 11/23/2018 I'll post a few now and see how they do. Should I edit the videos for laps from the time the lap starts, or show the whole race?

meauxdal 11/23/2018 either way is fine with laps i usually just show the lap itself and the end screen for laps but it takes a bit more editing to do it this way: depending on whether or not the lap was the last one in the race but yeah starting from where the lap starts is fine

THEGAMER1185 11/23/2018 I'll cut a few seconds beforehand then. I'm all good with the short and sweet method. I would love to do that at TG because it takes forever to upload a 40 min session that has only one run on it. I maxed out Alleyway for GB a few weeks ago. 6 hours long. Took about 3 days to upload. Sounds good, I'll be sure to start before the lap and show the end results screen.

meauxdal 11/23/2018 wow, that's awesome

[snip irrelevant discussion]

THEGAMER1185 11/23/2018 I've got a ton of NES shooters I need to play but they would take over 15 hours to achieve so those are harder for me to do. Life Force was incredible. WR was 17 hours I think. No doubt I can do it, but I got 4 kids man...Everything I play is from 9 p.m. on when they are in bed. If only I had started recording things 25 years ago when I was 7. But I didn't know about any of these gaming sites until about 2014. Honestly, I never really knew I was this good at them until I started comparing my times. Gives me something to do at night and I don't care what anyone says, with Everdrive carts and the like, my gaming is probably the cheapiest hobby I can find. Your MSUSA times are insane. I watched some of them the other day and said I needed to wait on attempting those again, haha

meauxdal 11/23/2018 i'd love some competition, i bet you could beat some of them @Doctorfeesh has been competing some lately, has really helped me push it to the next level

Doctorfeesh 11/23/2018 yeah I really like MS USA I don't have enough time to grind out world records

THEGAMER1185 11/23/2018 I'm sure I'll get around to them, don't worry. I am going back and forth with a guy on all the NBA Jam games for the GB. I think I've got the number for awhile. 107 on NBA Jam TE and 108 on College Slam. He hasn't posted for awhile and those scores where way over his last marks. When I start grinding, it's one track and one track only until I get what I want. if it takes 2 days, it takes 2 days. My Slalom runs for the NES are like that. I could improve a few because I would "flip" once, but those are so crazy and random at the end. I figured if it starts taking me more than 3-4 hours to even come within hundreths of second, my score is pretty good until someone shows me it can be beat, haha. Well you guys have a good one. I'll hop on here every now and then.

meauxdal 11/23/2018 hell yeah nice having you aboard keep us in the loop if you get any hot scores or times, i'd love to check them out

THEGAMER1185 11/23/2018 Sure thing. [/quote]

Bewerkt door de auteur 5 years ago
Georgia, USA

The following logs continue directly after the previous string, as no one sent any messages between 11/23/18 and 12/04/18. All of this took place in the #wave-race-gb channel in the Wave Race community speedrunning discord, and the logs are all still available. There is never another mention of times in MSUSA GBC. The end of the following log is the last time thegamer1185 posted in the Wave Race discord.

[quote]THEGAMER1185 12/04/2018 Well I've beaten all of my times by quite a bit. Posting them today and tomorrow to Twin Galaxies.

MetalHead 12/04/2018 Nice!

meauxdal12/04/2018 hot damn

THEGAMER118512/05/2018 Yeah. I'm more of a point presser than I am a speed runner but this damn game keeps me coming back, haha.

Fitzentoaster12/05/2018 Damn, you beating my times @thegamer1185 ? I kinda hope so, you're clearly better at the game than I am but... I thought I had some good stuff here 😉

Fitzentoaster12/05/2018 I feel like I'm very shortly about to have my ass handed to me. lol 😃

THEGAMER118512/05/2018 Yeah, I've beaten all of them up to track. Some of them where pretty big. I'm posting them to TG now. I was told I couldn't just provide the link from TG for the submissions so not sure how I can have them submitted to SR. Uploaded them to youtube and providing that link would be the exact same thing. Guess you can use my TG records for reference? Up to track 4* I did just get a software program that will split videos at certain points. I guess I could splice the video, but then that leaves doubt what I used to play on. Even though you could compare the video splices and my set up to the TG submissions and see I'm using the GBP for the Gamecube

Fitzentoaster12/05/2018 yeah I think the mods just would rather have them split up shorter and whatnot but obviously they can speak more to that GG, btw 😃 I'm glad I could push you a bit on those records, I might have to try at them again

THEGAMER118512/05/2018 I do provide the time stamps on TG so it's not like they would be watching 40 minutes for one run. They can go straight to the time stamp. I'll see what I can do about getting them submitted. I love the competition. Another player on TG pushed some of my times further as well. Competition makes everybody better. I won't ever say my times are the max, but damn I've got a few that are bordering the max...maybe they are the max. I don't do TAS runs so i will never know unless somebody does them. Thanks

Fitzentoaster12/05/2018 I'll have to see once everything is submitted and uploaded and whatnot but...all I know is some of those are going to be very, very hard to touch 😃

THEGAMER118512/05/2018 Yep. Go after them! If you can beat them, I'll be pumped because that means I got more to do, haha. That's the fun part, seeing how far they can go.

meauxdal12/05/2018 @thegamer1185 yeah we would really just like short videos with just the runs themselves on youtube if possible if you can't do it let me know, we'll figure something out i could probably edit them down myself if it came to that kinda depends, but yeah i'm sure we can figure out a way to get them on SRC without just linking to TG submissions

MetalHead12/05/2018 Avidmux is super easy to use and would make uploading to youtube take about 30 sec if that Like meauxdal said if we have to we will chop them for you I could pull the vids from yt if absolutely necessary Just makes the board look nice if it is the individual run alone

THEGAMER118512/06/2018 This program I found says I can splice from one point to another. I'm making a test video of about half an hour just to see how accurate the cut spots are. If it works properly, which I would hope it does, I'll edit those videos to just the specific runs and laps and show the end times after the race.

meauxdal12/06/2018 @thegamer1185 really nice times @Fitzentoaster thegamer's new times have been posted on SRC, pending any further submissions @Shibbypod thegamer did manage to finally get that 49 on bahamas 800cc, with a 49.41 no less pretty nutty

THEGAMER118512/06/2018 Thanks. I pushed them pretty damn hard this time. Hope they don't get beat or it takes someone a week or so do it so I can play something else. I'm not a single game guy. Still got my Game and Watch Gallery stuff to hit. Damn competitive Wave Racing, haha. Got a few remaining C3 800cc to post. Haven't attempted any of the C4s on up. Based on my current play, I'm going to drop the times by a fair amount. Probably won't get to those until Sunday. Pool League tonight, all day poker session tomorrow, Santa is in town Saturday. Of course when the wife and kids sleep I stay up til 3 so....listen to me say I don't have time, haha. The Bahamas 800cc was pretty insane.

meauxdal12/06/2018 yeah that time is no joke

Fitzentoaster01/16/2019 Just checking in to say something along the lines of "damn" or more specifically "dayummn" at @thegamer1185 those times are excellent and a half

MetalHead01/16/2019 Lol yeah his times are really strong I was trying to match a few of them a while back Need to put more time in on it

Georgia, USA

All of the second post's discussion refers to times set in WRGB. Those submissions were received and I believe accepted. In fact, I believe those runs can still be found on the WRGB boards on

Georgia, USA

tl;dr - @thegamer1185, please submit your runs! I have been hoping people would challenge me in this game so I have an excuse to play it again!

P.S. I may have pushed a few of my times lower in the last two days since I learned of these runs... :D

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