April 2019 Updates
5 years ago

Hey folks, just a quick update on what we've done to improve the Hypixel leaderboards.

A long-awaited addition of Classic Lobby and Prototype Lobby parkour will be added to the list! I know I've had some requests to do this but we've never got around to doing it. It's now here! (May not last forever.) If there's any other lobbies that we've forgotten, please let us know.

Additionally, we've had some inquires as to the supposed "lagging" of the starting pressure plate of the map - ultimately depending on ping where the server thinks you've started (this can be up to 150ms in some cases). To combat this, the moderators have decided to retime manually the Top 3 runs in every category so as to determine an actual time for the runs.

If you'd like to retime your runs yourself, please be mindful that this is only required for 3rd, 2nd or 1st place in any given parkour stage, and if done so, please let us know in the description of the run that you have.

Due to this new features, we've decided to open moderation roles to the community for a short time. This role will consist of verifying runs and retiming runs in the Top 3. If you're interested, please fill out this form: https://forms.gle/6dT3H1JaVhxXoijVA

This form will close Saturday 6 May at 2pm UTC.

Thanks folks. Happy parkouring!

Bewerkt door de auteur 5 years ago

Quick note on an update to All Stages / IGT timing:

All Stages rules have been edited to ensure that you meet the full list of parkour maps required to complete for All Stages. These are:

Main Lobby BedWars SkyWars Murder Mystery Arcade Games UHC Champs Build Battle Cops and Crims Crazy Walls Duels Mega Walls Blitz Survival Games SkyClash Smash Heroes Speed UHC The TNT Games Warlords Tournament Hall Classic Lobby Prototype Lobby

You must complete all maps in this list in order for your run to be valid on the leaderboards.

Additionally, the implementation of IGT to the runs is for the All Stages category only. This can be submitted as a sum of the individual level times for each stage. An IGT submitted for an individual level run will be deleted, so don't submit it. The reason for this is because loads on different PCs might affect the RTA time of the run differently for each, so IGT is better overall and will be used for calculating runs (eg. 29:08 RTA / 25:43 IGT will beat a run with 28:45 RTA / 25:56 IGT).

Final thing on the same topic - don't submit milliseconds for RTA for All Stages. Not really needed. If you need some assistance on how to submit these, check out some examples on the All Stages boards or ask in Discord.


Bewerkt door de auteur 5 years ago

I can't find the Crazy Walls, SkyClash and the Speed UHC lobbys. Please teache me how to get there or remove them of the list ty.

Ontario, Canada

SkyClash has been removed and you now can't get to the lobby even with a command. Speed UHC no longer has a lobby because it's now a gamemode in UHC Champions. Some people can't find Crazy Walls because it's not in the default Game Menu, but you can find it in the All Games tab, or by typing /l crazywalls

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Leaderboard Updates 05/06/24

Hey everyone,

I'd like to start this announcement with an apology. During the last couple of months I was not able to help out on the leaderboard and as I am currently the only moderator that meant a lot of updates were not brought to the site, I would like to offer my sincere apologies for this. H

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