Board ILs now active + community input on rules + discussion for other categories
6 days ago
Maryland, USA

Board ILs have been added as levels, but there are a couple rules I would like to have discussed as a community:

  1. Should the minigame set be “All” or up to the runner?

  2. Would runners want variety of ILs by CPU difficulty or is that unimportant?

Additionally, is there anyone that has interest in running an All Boards category? The distinction between this and Story Mode is enough to bring up the idea (10 turn meta and no boss minigames)

Please drop any other categories that you may have interest running in this forum

SOON TO COME: Minigame ILs

Bewerkt door de auteur 6 days ago
JokerTropical en TheKingOfFlub vindt dit leuk
Michigan, USA

For minigame set, I would say "All" would be the best option, feels best for the spirit of the game, and is ultimately the default option. As for difficulty, I think it'd be best to keep the difficulties separated would be best, gives it a nice variability.

JokerTropical en AQ_Noops vindt dit leuk
United States

Big fan of these additions.

  1. Definitely "All minigames"

  2. I think variety matters. CPU behavior changes a lot based on difficulty, on minigames and the boards. And the harder difficulties might bring different competitors compared to the easier difficulties.

  3. I don't think the differences between Story mode and an All Boards category would be different enough to justify an All Boards category. In fact, I think it would just kill story mode runs in favor of a "quicker" version of basically the same run.

JokerTropical en AQ_Noops vindt dit leuk
United States
  • I'm in favor for "All" in terms of Minigames.

  • Agreeing with Flub, CPUs do vary in difficulty and having them put into one section will just makes things weird to manage. Having them seperate won't cause any future disagreements.

  • I do think an All boards would be a great addition. Sure it's similar enough to Story mode, but without the boss fights and extra turns, it'll be less of a grind when you can do a 2-3hr runs vs. 4-5hrs of Story. I think it's good to have both for variety though. Even MPDS & MP9 have both of their Story / All boards categories. Why not MP4?p

  • Finally, in comparison to MPDS, why not have a Boss Bass category? There's only one that's under a timer, but the rest could be a fun little time comparison, especially the Bowser fight.

JokerTropical en AQ_Noops vindt dit leuk
Ontario, Canada

I am personally in favor of "All" for minigames.

I am personally in favor of having subcategories for different CPU difficulties.

I think All Boards would be nice to have.

AQ_Noops vinden dit leuk