Save glitch question
4 years ago

hey, i will start to speedrun this fantastic game :)

so i will try the any% glitchless category. Just need to know, what is a Save glitch?

is it allowed to save directly before i steal the instrument and load again and again till it works?


The glitch is used to reach items and other things as seen here . Other than that saving and loading is fine as long as it's a save from the current run.

Bewerkt door de auteur 4 years ago

wow ok, thanks. good to know.

South Australia, Australia

Seeing as you have created an glitchless category, could my Dark Side Run be added to that category?


If I remember right you did demonstrate a glitch so no. I don't see why you'd care either way. According to the site rules I wouldn't even need to accept your run since no (real) effort was made to play as fast as possible.

Bewerkt door de auteur 3 years ago
South Australia, Australia

I demonstrate the save/load door/item interaction exploit, explain how it works, and that I don't like it, then immediately load back to a save from before it was used. (Timestamp 11:56, ).

My position is that loading back to before it is used means I am just functionally wasting some 30 seconds of my run time - doing the explaining - and that reloading to before using an exploit means no exploit was used in that run.

I would draw your attention to what you posted in the other forum: "As for the 7 hour run, it was submitted before the glitchless category was created. It most likely belongs in glitchless. I'll try to sort that out."

That said you are the admin, if you don't think that showing the exploit but loading to before it was used keeps to the spirit and/or letter of the rules. I respect the ruling.

I genuinely tried to play the game though as quickly as I know how while explaining things. It was a real effort on my part, and it is honestly a little hurtful to suggest otherwise. I'm not as good as many of the very skilled and dedicated runners that have times on here that amaze me. But I did genuinely try to play the game - a game I love from my childhood and re-visit every couple of years - though as quickly as I know how and to share that experience - and perhaps even love of the game - with my viewers. I hope someone makes a submission to the new category. I might even take another go at it.


I believe you when you say you didn't take advantage of glitches, but the rules are the rules because otherwise people start finding ways to bend them. It's easier for me to just say "no glitches, full stop", no ambiguity. As for my previous comment on the matter, I didn't consider this aspect, my bad.

At the risk of sounding like an elitist snob, I'd say your run is more like a fast longplay than a speedrun. I haven't seen it recently (or from start to finish completely for that matter) so it's hard to point out why exactly I wouldn't call this a speedrun.

For what it's worth. my first "run" ever was 2 hours long MM6 bad ending (record was around 10 minutes at the time), but I would never call that a speedrun and no one else has seen that video. The next day I did it again but in half the time, then in half again after a few more attempts. That might not be the best comparison, but my point is that with almost no effort I cut my time down to a fraction. All I'm trying to get at is that you could have improved your final time a little before submitting.

Sorry if I came across a little mean before, but the bar has been set quite high.

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