Short Version
4 years ago
New Jersey, USA

To anyone who here to listen, Looking to do a co-op run of story mode and while doing a test run through came across the option to "play the short version" of songs. I assume this is legal because it isn't forbidden in the rules, however the only recorded run doesn't use this feature. Any reason to use the short versions of the songs? It gives less fans as a reward, but I'm not sure if the time save makes up for it.

WiiSuper vinden dit leuk
Queensland, Australia

a year ago this was poasted. who knew

I know that this was 3 years ago, but, I think that this would be allowed. Sure, it will give less studs, which could make a difference for buying the required vehicles, but none the less, I believe that this complies with speedrun rules. Note, I am not a speedrun moderator, but just a fan of the game.

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