Any% in 4h 28m 44s 190ms by

This run was done on the console version of the game, which I did not see a separate category for. The console version does have some differences from the PC version, notably continuing from the Ankh after dying to a boss, and many pots are placed differently. I hope it's ok to submit for this version. The successful run starts at around the 28:00 minute mark.

This is my first ever speedrun! I wanted to do a glitchless run of La Mulana and, because I apparently like pain, I also forbade myself from using the pistol and did melee only on the guardians and Mother. The run started out as a practice attempt but when I reached a certain point I decided to press on and get a completion so I knew where I stood as far as time and opportunities for improvement.

I definitely have room to grow on this. My routing after obtaining the Twin Statue needs work, and I had some awful deaths on Sakit, Palenque, and Mother. Additionally, I forgot a game critical puzzle which cost me a few minutes and did two money farms when I could have made do with one. My goal was to complete in under 5 hours, and I know I can do under 4! I'll also need to work on my splits so that they make more sense. I still wanted to submit it, though, since it's my first ever completed run. Please enjoy!

Tweede plaats
4h 28m 44s 190ms
8 months ago
8 months ago