New rule about early exits
4 years ago
Iowa, USA

I am updating the rules about early exits (quitting out of the game early than you should in the rules), because I don't believe that you should be able to lose a run just because of an accidental early exit

The new rule: If you exit one screen too early (for example: Screen showing final scores in foot ball instead of the winner screen), then a 10 second penalty will be added on to your time. If you exit even earlier than one screen too early, but you're at least at a point where it is clear that you won the game, then a 30 second penalty will be added to your time. I don't expect to have to use this one unless someone doesn't read the exiting rules before doing a run. If you exit so early that it's possible that you haven't even won the game yet, your run will be rejected. When the requirement for a run is only that you need to finish a game, the same logic applies but the game only needs to be clearly over (as far as actual gameplay goes) instead of clearly won.

Bewerkt door de auteur 2 years ago
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