Possible New Category Idea?
6 years ago
California, USA

I was thinking about maybe a Solo UC Soul Melter. What do you guys think?

United States

Uh what does UC mean?


UC = Ultimate Choice I guess

California, USA

A meme? i don't understand.

United States

Oh lol I’m stupid then, it’s a meme because there’s only two Ultimate Choice modes available to speed run here, both are solo, and Soul Melter is one of them.

California, USA

But what's with the Rick, Kine, and Coos? I see more than one character on the #1.

Bewerkt door de auteur 6 years ago
North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Or do you mean purely on your own? No allies, only you. That would bring King Dedede to the top spot... but I don't think this kind of split is currently necessary. Maybe some kind of fun runs...

California, USA

Yeah I mean purely on your own; meaning no elemental modifiers (Ex. Bomb+Wind lol)

United States

Oh thats actually a decent idea. It wouldn’t even require a video since it shows if you had allies at the end. I personally think that a Lv1 ultimate choice would be fun too.

United States

What about a co-op speedrun?

Skotty8 vinden dit leuk
United States

Also I would suggest a "level speedruns" page for each individual level completion, and each 100% individual level completion. As well as that, I would recommend a speedrun for the minigames.

Oklahoma, USA

Since we're on the topic, how about a purist category of the game. Its seperate from any% because in any% you can use any form, but for purist, you can only use the copy abilities necessary to complete the base levels.

United States

Idk what all this other stuff is about, but a solo (in terms of no allies) category for Soul melter would be interesting

Skotty8 vinden dit leuk
United States

The thing with level speedruns, Chimchar_Chris, is that there are so many and there would only be a couple for each, if any simply because there are so many categories.

Skotty8 vinden dit leuk
Ontario, Canada

I think we should add an all rainbow pieces category or story mode 100% not a UC solo

Bewerkt door de auteur 6 years ago
United States

B31JS it's fine if there are only a couple for each. Snipperclips has every level and doesn't have a lot of categories. If not as many people did each level, it would be fine, and it would make everyone happier. I do mind that this is locked. :>

Bewerkt door de auteur 6 years ago

We had our fun but I'm gonna lock this thread if you all don't mind

Bewerkt door de auteur 6 years ago
Skotty8 vinden dit leuk
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