Saving 14 Minutes.
3 years ago
Massachusetts, USA

You can trick the game into thinking your at the start of spinning plates by hitting specific loading zones around the pillars and restarting your game.

Skipping how to disappear completely, pyramid song and you and whose army saving around 14 minutes.

Example at 1:43 on this video

RubyRusalka vinden dit leuk
United States

this might be impossible on ps5. if it is and if more runs for that console come then i recommend separating the categories for them

jared05 vinden dit leuk
Massachusetts, USA

that is a really good point differences in loading times alone could prompt that kind of separation. I think they should be separate category's. that also means you could snag a cheeky WR (;

Bewerkt door de auteur 3 years ago

So should I open another category for ps5?

jared05 vinden dit leuk
United States

yeah. I recommend making it a subcategory of any% and making the current board pc

Bewerkt door de auteur 3 years ago
Massachusetts, USA

alright that sounds good have you tested if the skip is possible on ps5?

United States

I haven't yet but from looking from the video I doubt it

United States

even then if it is then getting back into the game could warrant time differences compared to pc

Massachusetts, USA

true console will be at a disadvantage compared to pc but still could be fun for its own catagory

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Rule Changes!

New and Improved rules that will effect newly summited runs.

All category's will be timed with Game Time instead of Real Time (mods will retime) Both your in game time and real time will appear on the leaderboard side by side.

Make sure your run is barrable in quality. (at least 15 fps 180p)

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