Update to rules for online/Present Codes and Colosseum runs
Update to rules for online/Present Codes and Colosseum runs
Geplaatst 2 years ago door

Hey! We've been making a few adjustments to the submission rules for KFL's runs.

To start, having the game online is no longer banned. Currently, the fastest way found to enter Present Codes has been to cancel the online check regardless of whether the player is online or not, so it makes more sense to disallow the codes that require online rather than the online connectivity itself. This change's been in place for a bit already, with the allowed codes listed under Category Rules. CLEARDEMO and NEWADVENTURE, the two codes from the demo, are still banned alongside the online codes.

The other rule change concerns the Colosseum and just went live before making this post. Main thing is world record submission videos need to be of a "passable" quality, though this will be on a case by case basis. The variables that video recording can have make it difficult to set totally hardline rules, but we do have some listed to keep in mind that'll make it more likely for these to be verified. They can be found under Category Rules for Colosseum, but these are:

  • Full, unedited video; combining clips is not acceptable as these can appear spliced even if they aren't
  • In-game audio is required/preferred, and other audio elements are fine
  • Full capture of the game's screen, without cropping mistakes
  • Overlays such as webcam are allowed, but please avoid covering the in-game timer or HUD elements
  • Excessive frame drops may cause the run to be invalidated
  • Recording using a phone or webcam is acceptable

There's also couple of clarifications that's been added as well, such as an example of image proof for non-WR submissions since we've had the occasional submission use the wrong image. The other's that Deep Sleep is allowed, but with the stipulation that using it for its full duration will mean those runs are treated as using buffs since it grants Life Up/Attack Boost/Speed Boost.

These are all the updates for now. Best of luck in your future runs!

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