Several WR Removals
2 months ago

Records from the tracks below were removed for using a bug where the timer did not start within 15 frames of the initial acceleration of the kart. This may look confusing, so please refer to Zeno's time where this bug was used.

The tracks that had records removed are:

  • A01-Race
  • Dino Dino Volcano
  • Downtown
  • Downtown Harbor
  • Snowy Forest
  • Thing: The Mystery of Minion Kind

A new policy will be implemented within the coming days that has already been announced in our Discord,, that requires the timer to start within 15 frames of initial acceleration. Anything above 15 will be marked for review, and anything above 20 will be instantly rejected.

Bewerkt door de auteur 2 months ago
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Version 2.0.0 changes

Because the 2.0.0 version of KL significantly changed how stats will work, I've reset the leaderboards for this to apply. Old times are still archived though with how the game's stat balancing has changed, they will likely be beaten within a few tries

6 months ago
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