More Mods?
7 years ago

It might be a good idea if we get more moderators so times could be verified faster? I'm seeing Socialspeedrunner hasn't been online in 6 days. I'm not necessarily suggesting myself but UndeadSuccubabe & I have finished runs of every category. I've submitted all of mine & UndeadSuccubabe probably has as well. Bemels seems active as well. Fine with anyone getting it really.

Peachu en UndeadSuccubabe vindt dit leuk

At least one more mod would be nice to have. Since it's a new game i think it would be most important to be able to verify runs quickly since that leads to more exposure on the front page and to potential new runners. If nobody else wants to be one i would happily be one.

Peachu, Cannon_Tortoise en 2 anderen vindt dit leuk

Yeah I would suggest myself & Bemels at the very least. I'm not a fan of verifying my own runs so if someone else says they don't mind verifying runs I would give it to them as well.

Edit: UndeadSuccubabe as well. If the 3 of us were added I'm sure we'd be good on mods at that point. I don't mind watching & verifying runs because I'd probably be watching them regardless.

Bewerkt door de auteur 7 years ago
Texas, USA

If or When some or all of you folks get modded do you want to create a Discord server for Kamiko? Would be nice to further grow this game's community. I kind of searched for a server in the general speedrunning Discord's other-serer bot but Kamiko wasn't listed.

UndeadSuccubabe en dresdun vindt dit leuk

Rly great idea, just created a discord server

I'll put this in the resources tab as well

Edit: I guess I need mod for that so I'll just leave it here

Bewerkt door de auteur 7 years ago

I agree that a couple more mods would be nice, especially so no one is verifying their own runs. Not saying I don't trust you dresdun (some of your runs are stupidly legit) but for integrity purposes yadayada. Also, there's at least 11 runs in queue to be verified between dresdun and I, and how ever many more with anyone else running it, so for one mod to go through all of those is rather time consuming.

dresdun en Cannon_Tortoise vindt dit leuk

Sorry for not being very active, I've not really been able to get any further with the game myself as being at university exams are taking over. I think adding 2 more mods is a good and, with having multiple mods, I think a fair unwritten rule would be to look at the runs submitted but always have someone else verify your own runs, just as a standard thing.

But yea, on the whole idea, I think it is a good idea, since at the moment I am low on time and a bit neglecting of the submissions due to being as busy. Who does everyone else think is best for being mod, better to make it a group decision


Dresdun suggested himself and i, and since i visit the site daily i have no problems of being a mod.

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