After approximately 6 months I have finally achieved the run I was looking for. This is the first time I ever speedran anything and it will probably be the last. It's for that reason that I ended up pushing my goal further and further. Initially I just wanted a sub 10 minute run. Then it became sub 9. Then it became sub 8:40. Then it finally became sub 8:30 and it stayed there. I finally achieved the goal in mind and I did it much better than I ever expected. Technically an "ideal ideal" run would be about an 8:13-8:15 but all things considered and how this speedrun has held my stream hostage, it's finally time to call it a day. It was a mostly painful journey but it had some ups of course. Now finally on to bigger and better things. This marks the end of the prequel to the Chariot Rider.
It's funny how the run happened off-stream while I was just messing around doing runs and listening to a stream. I was listening to Destiny's stream and was pretty zoned out. I apologize for the stream I was listening to overpowering the audio but I felt like just keeping it raw.
*This event will not take place on SRC