What the hell is up with all of this bloated garbage with these categories???
6 months ago
United States

I'm just browsing Roblox Categories and I saw this and I just have to say something about it.

Some of this stuff is literally just bloat that shouldn't be apart of Item Asylum's Categories, keep it simple.

Like what the hell is a tubeless%?

Smile,Smiler, and Smilest? Seriously? Almost none of these categories even include timers either! They aren't even clarified properly... Smile% makes sense, but the other two don't even have updated rules so what is the point of them? Kit% shouldn't be a thing for bosses, it makes no sense and is something you can't even do in public servers. Perfect runs and normal runs are fine enough.

Plus, not even any of the Moderators for this Game don't even use timers and set their records to 1ms, like have half of you even moderated for a Speedrun Category before?

Why is there even a rule for spawning in items if you're allowing players to constantly respawn using commands? At this point, allow players to give themselves whatever they need, ONE Melee, ONE Ranged, and ONE Misc.

United States

Fix this. This is messy as hell.

Anglesey, Wales
Any/All, She/Her
6 months ago

sounds like a person who hasnt speedran this game

tubeless% is for smile%, in tubeless the player is not allowed to spawn in noob tubes, while in smile (smiler and smilest included) you can.

any 001ms (like lets say for smile and smiler) is due to a loop hole with the rules, and if needed the times will be removed by owners asking or by himself. For any% death%, the timer doesnt start until the lobby loads, but since the player is able to kill themselves before the map is even visible/fully loaded the time becomes a 001

kit% is there by the speedrunning community. which a runner (saps_ia) asked for, but I asked muffin (the owner for item asylum speedrunning) if it was allowed in any%, to be fair I did send him a kit% man of nature run. He did clairify that it was okay to begin with, but when I submitted kit% for the bosses, people became mad (porpoyes) and saps himself (I think), which made muffin decide for kit% to be a sub catagory within speedrunning

"not even any of the moderators for this game dont use timers" - it is clear to me you didnt read the rules or go in-depth enough with your research, I would like to clarify that we do have some veteran moderators for this game (temdoesspeedruns and bozai526), all the retimes we do are with slushpuppys retimer or slashinfty.

the respawning using commands/the private server console, is allowed due to quality of life, no one wants to reset dozens of runs just to get their preferred speedrunning loadout. I would like to point out that respawning does not affect you if you speedran p%, and even then it takes days or weeks, could be months for a record to be beaten on there due to how long it takes for each run to get a good loadout, or optimisation.

If we did allow players to spawn in items people would give themselves weapons such as, treehouse, dr pepper, stat editor, tsar bomb (if its not kit%), end (if its not kit%), instant death, death note (which cannot be obtained during bosses), gun with more bullets and dragon deagle, that rule is in place so this doesnt happen, unless if its specified that you can spawn in items (like smile, smiler and smilest), it has to be very strict so it doesnt get out of hand.

feel free to reply to this with any question you may have, I will be happy to respond any way necessary to fit your needs, maybe if you have tried speedrunning the game you wouldnt see its issues.

  • sincerely item asylum verifier: Nato
Bewerkt door de auteur 6 months ago
saps_ia en TemdoesSpeedruns vindt dit leuk
United States

If you want these categories, separate them similar to other games have done. Thats the best I can say man. A lot of these categories stretch whats needed in the game's categories and its best to separate them if moderators want them to stay, which is why the DOORS Speedrun community seperates their other categories for things such as collecting specific amount of gold, dying to a specific character, etc.

Bewerkt door de auteur 6 months ago
Anglesey, Wales
Any/All, She/Her
6 months ago

these categories are vital to our speedrunning community, most of them (the non boss ones), are community asked for, and accepted through the community, this page is molded by its speedrunners. If you speedran this/joined the discord (https://discord.gg/dPa8F69F) you would understand that.

I had a look at the roblox: doors speedrunning page, and honestly I find item asylum easier to navigate (there is a bit of bias here due to using this page a lot, but lets not forget how your biased aswell), its fairly simple every boss is right infront of you, if you scroll down you get the side categories. Simple.

There isnt much in item asylum to speedrun, concidering how much there is in the game its quite hard to find a good speedrun worthy lobby or map. I would like to point (but more obvious this time) that you can suggest catagories for us in our discord. Maybe you can spread your "advice" there, however I would like to convince you to speedrun the game before making a post like this, no single man/woman can fight an entire community.

  • item asylum verifier: Nato
TemdoesSpeedruns vinden dit leuk
United States

That is fair, but please take into consideration making a separate game section for Alternative %'s as it'd be better to sort them, as theres Boss runs and then runs that are seemingly quite different from those.

I'll get out of your hair now, I was just wondering what was going on with these categories.

Anglesey, Wales
Any/All, She/Her
6 months ago

Maybe if item asylum updated with massively weird stuff as in lobbies/references, we would need a category extension. But as of now we do not, thank you for your opinion on our page.

TemdoesSpeedruns vinden dit leuk

i tried to get a category extension

ill try again

Subyan vinden dit leuk
He/Him, She/Her
5 months ago

ngl this person got a point 😔

Anglesey, Wales
Any/All, She/Her
5 months ago

I yapped

Game statistieken
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Added N/A runs to unplayable runs

i have finally added N/A on levels that are unable to be played (Like contamination on kit%). this fills up the leaderboard and clears up any non excisting confusion on if it is runnable or note.

happy running

1 month ago
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