The Full guide to Speedrunning IMSCARED
The Full guide to Speedrunning IMSCARED
Geüpdatet 3 years ago door Zassafras

Hello! Welcome to my full guide on how to speedrun IMSCARED! If you are a new player looking to get into the game, or if you are an experienced player looking for new tricks to help you beat your time, I will help you gain the knowledge that you need in order to speedrun this game as quickly as you can. This guide will be split into parts, so that it is easier to read, and easier to write.

#Part zero

Part zero: Don't ruin it for yourself

Before you even start speedrunning the game, I recommend playing the game casually first. You've probably already done this, or at least watched somebody else play it casually, but it is important that you play it at least once to have a general idea of how the game works, and how you are going to run through the game. And trust me, the game will get less fun the faster you go through the game, as the whole fun of it is the puzzle solving aspect of the game, so start by playing it casually, as it's a lot more fun than just hopping straight into speedrunning.

#Part one

Part one: Understanding the game

Okay, now that you have played (or watched someone play) the game casually, you are ready to learn how to speedrun this game. The first thing you will want to do is to understand the game better. The easiest way to understand the game is to go to this directory: This PC\Windows (C:)\Users(your username)\Appdata\Roaming\IMSCARED, If you can't find appdata, just type %appdata% into your search bar. In this folder, you should find seven files, and don't worry, only three of them have any importance, and there's only one that we need to focus on right now. The most important file in the game is the file named white.ini, as it holds (almost) everything that is of importance to us. There are two types of text in this file, and those are options and option categorizers. Option categorizers are the text with brackets around them, and an example of one is [language], they aren't of much importance to you, as all they do is clarify to the game what the options are supposed to affect, but don't try to change them as they are crucial to the functionality of the file. The other type of text in the file are the normal options which should look like this: key="1.000000". The majority of the important options are under the [imscared] category, as it holds almost everything to identify the part of the game you are in such as your achievements, however the most important of these options is the one named roomNext, as that holds the information pertaining to the area you are going to be placed in upon game launch. I have a table of these at the bottom of this guide. You can place yourself in each room if you want to practice that specific section of the game.

One more thing, to reset the game all the way back to the language prompt, which is where the run is started, all you need to do is delete the files in that folder and the game will reset.

#Part two

Part two: Movement and Speed

Now that you have enough knowledge of the game, and how it works, it's time to speedrun, right? You can try to speedrun the game, but you most likely won't be very fast, as in order to go faster than you are going right now, you are going to need to learn the most optimal way to move around in the game, as it is pretty tricky. You may be thinking "It's a first-person game, it should have pretty straight-forward controls, right?" Well, it's not all that simple, as the controls of this game are different in a few key ways to most other first-person games.

The first of those differences that I am going to mention just so happens to be the most annoying one, which is crouching. If you've played the game already, you may have noticed that the crouch key is a toggle, and you may have brushed it off, but it is very apparent how annoying it is when speedrunning, as you want to spend the least amount of time crouching as possible, as not only do you move significantly slower, but you also cannot move horizontally without changing your angle. You'll really need to get used to hitting the crouch key twice in a very short amount of time, as it is (unsurprisingly) done a lot of times throughout the run, and is very difficult.

The largest difference between other games and this one is how moving diagonally is handled. In this game, you run and walk faster when holding down two different movement keys at the same time, meaning you move faster when moving diagonally. The reason why I'm telling you this is because it's a very large time save. You can shave minutes off of your most optimized run just by sloppily running diagonally if the former was done without running diagonally. It's a little tough to get used to, but a necessity if you want to be fast enough to contend with any of the fastest times. You should also get used to diagonally running in both directions equally, as it will be very useful during your runs. You can also go faster by walking diagonally instead of walking straight in the sections where running is impossible such as the Pipes C room which disables your ability to run. Walking diagonally isn't the same as running diagonally as you walk at a much harsher angle compared to running, as running diagonally has you looking at a 40-50° angle, while walking diagonally has you looking at a 60-75° angle. You do need to practice this as well, even though it is used for a very short amount of time in the run, it is still important as it boosts your speed by a significant amount.

Now that you have mastered running and crouching, it is time to talk about what you do when entering a room. Since running straight is unviable, when you enter a room you'll need to immediately look diagonally to start running diagonally, right? Nope! You can change the angle you start at before you enter a room during the transition between rooms which is done by moving your mouse left or right while the screen is black, this is what I call "Angle manipulation", or "Angle manip" for short. There are only a few rooms in the game where this is impossible, meaning almost every room in the game has this, and you need to do this for almost every single room in the game. It's not as difficult as you may think, as all you need to think about is where you start, what angle you start at by default, and where you are going to go. I will be going through each of these later during part four. The other thing you need to do when entering a room is to start running as quickly as possible, the method I use to do this for most rooms is to just mash my shift key until I see that I have loaded into the room, then I continue holding it until the next transition.

Oh, and by the way, angle manip is going to be used a lot in part four. The direction that I tell you to angle manip in is the direction to move your mouse on the black screen, just in case that wasn't clear.

#Part three

Part three: Large time saves, General time saves and Major routes

Now we will talk about the largest time saves in the run other than the optimizations for movement that were mentioned in the previous part. The first extremely large time save the easiest one to save, which are loading times. If you have the steam version of the game, which you most likely do, you are automatically losing time due to the game loading through steam. There is already another guide on this topic, but I'll put it in here for convenience. First, go to this directory on your computer: This PC\Windows (C:)\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\IMSCARED. Next, select every single file in the directory, and copy them. Next, create a folder somewhere easily accessible on your computer (preferably your desktop) and paste them in that newly created folder. Next, you right-click on the file named IMSCARED.exe, click Create Shortcut, and put that shortcut on your desktop, or in your IMSCARED folder on your desktop. Finally, in your newly made folder, delete the file named steam_api.dll, and voilà! You have just improved all of your times by over 30 seconds! Seriously, each and every time you load up the game, you will save two seconds or more over if you didn't disconnect steam from the game. Something you're going to need to do in order to save a little bit of time is place your IMSCARED shortcut in the middle of your screen to minimize the time you spend looking for it and clicking on it after exiting the game. The way I do it is to put the shortcut in my IMSCARED desktop folder and sort that folder by date modified, which will keep it at the top of the folder, and then move that folder so that the shortcut is directly in the middle of the screen.

Another major time save + convenience related to game files is setting files to read-only so that you don't have to change anything or delete any files. When you do this, make sure you have the file revolver.ini in your IMSCARED desktop folder and make sure you have six bullets in the revolver before starting this process. The only files that should be in your IMSCARED folder is revolver.ini and maybe a shortcut for the IMSCARED.exe file. What you need to do now is right click your IMSCARED desktop folder and click properties. Go to the security tab and press edit. Deny access to the option named "Write" for all users and then press OK. This will stop any files from ever entering your folder. You should also do the same for the revolver.ini file in the IMSCARED folder in Appdata. You can find this folder by pressing the windows key and typing %appdata% and pressing enter. Click on IMSCARED and copy-paste the revolver.ini file from your desktop folder to this folder. Make sure to set it to read-only as well.

The next major time save that I would like to bring up is skipping the labyrinth. The labyrinth is the hedge maze with the mirror, and it is entirely skippable. There is absolutely no obligation to go into the labyrinth and look into the mirror as you can immediately enter a code that will open the gate. The problem that casual players run into is the fact that the code is unknown until you look into the mirror and see what the mirror says. It may seem like there are a lot of codes, seen on the realone.html document, but in reality, there are only 5 codes that can appear in-game. Those are: 51947, 47725, 93934, 15204, and 59174. If you memorize these 5 codes, you have just saved 30-50 seconds by not entering the maze. The individual codes seem to appear at varying rates, with 51947 appearing to be the most common one, but I don't know for sure if they appear at varying rates in the first place, either way, if you enter those 5 codes, then you have a 100% chance of opening the gate.

Another large time save is close to the end of the game when you are in the Pipes section of the game. The time save that I'm talking about is what I call Wall Boosting which is where you walk or run diagonally into a specific wall while looking (almost) straight demonstrated here: where I compare it to running straight and running diagonally. This only works in the Pipes section and I don't know why. All fence-like walls (including fans) that are parallel to your starting angle when entering a room have a weird property that makes it so when you walk diagonally into them while looking straight and slightly outward you zoom forward faster than you'd normally move when running diagonally. This can be done in all rooms in the Pipes area apart from the main room. It is possible to do in valve A, but it's not very easy to take advantage of and it's not really much faster so you don't have to do it. In the valve C room, you can use this trick on the walls directly after the signs to fly forward as well as the walls next to you after climbing the ladder and the walls right after opening the first door. The biggest time save with this trick is valve B. Funnily enough, this room is one of the shortest in the entire game as all you need to do is just walk up the middle conveyor and wall boost on the conveyor to fly up it skipping 30 seconds of walking around the room flipping switches.

Probably the hardest time save in the run to execute is what I call "predicting the future" as it involves setting your time to a certain minute early in the run to save time in the station by not having to change it on the fly. It only saves a second or two, but man, does it feel good when you do it right. It's only really hard because you have to know how long you are going to take to get to the station, and adjusting for that. The place that I set it up is after opening door 7 in house where white face shows you his room, as that moment is a cutscene that takes over 20 seconds, which gives you plenty of time.

Now we get to routes that will save time over sub-optimal routes in case you don't want to read part four due to it being too long. First route is the Car Park/Tag section. There is only one optimal route through this station. I used to go for a very different route and now I realize that route is inefficient and loses multiple seconds to this one. The Zig-Zag route that you'll see other runners do is also slightly slower than this route too. The route is a modification of the Zig-Zag route where you save the arrow closest to the elevator for last. You can see this route here: (not to scale). The only other route that I wanna touch on is the station maze. The station maze is tricky to figure out, and there's no one optimal route due to the gramophones being spawned randomly, however the first gramophone is always the same and you can use audio for the other two. If you don't want to do that, here's a map that shows the optimal no-audio route: if you don't want to use audio and you want to listen to music or something while speedrunning. If you want to use audio, you're going to want to do something more akin to this: Follow the red line until you can judge where the second gramophone is then follow the colored lines whichever colored gramophone is your second one. The third one is more complicated and it'll take practice to judge where all the gramophones are, but I believe in you.

The last thing I want to touch on is copy and pasting. During the run, you have to enter multiple different names into the "Hello, do you know my name?" prompt, and even if you are the worlds fastest typer, you are going to lose time unless you use a copy and paste sheet. So before you do a run, make sure that you have a text document with the four different names that you need to enter, so that you can copy them at various different times in the run, and I will detail the most optimal points to copy them.

#Part four

Part four: Routing every room

Whelp, here we go! I will be informing you of my route for every single room in the whole game in order including which direction to look and how to angle manip. You don't need to read all of this if you already know some routes or you want to find your own routes which I highly recommend as the way I run the game is the way that is most comfortable for me, but I've written out all of my strategies just in case and just to warn you, these sections can get extremely verbose.

Prep: Make sure that you delete all the files in the IMSCARED directories beforehand even if you reset the game on the language selection part. Not just because of the rules, but there is a weird delay that will cost you a few seconds if you don't do it after resetting on the language select.

Intro & How to play: First thing's first, you want to start your timer and press the 2 key at the same time to accurately sync your timer with the correct amount of elapsed time. Once you've done that, mash E as fast as you can. This will skip through the text at the beginning and plop you down into the how to play section. You can hold W, A, and shift as soon as the text starts appearing, then when the text says "This first area is meant to teach you the basics", you will start moving your mouse to the right, and don't stop moving it until you have gained control of the game. Turn right by moving your mouse, then turn left by switching from A to D as it is easier than moving your mouse. Pick up the key on the desk, then turn around switching back to A. Press E on the gate and switch back to D. Run over to the flower, but don't crouch as that will lose you time, just run over to it and press E as you can pick it up without crouching. Turn left after picking it up and switch back to A. Then run over to where you started, and as soon as you hear the beeping noise, close the game and re-launch it, which saves you multiple seconds.

Begin: Mash E after re-launching to start up as quickly as possible, then angle manip down-right and hold S and D to move close to the desk to pick up the little key, run over to the wardrobe and press E on the leftmost edge of it to open it, then turn back around to the passageway that has opened. When returning back here later, you will angle manip left instead of right, and hold W and A to move towards the secret passageway immediately.

Basement: First entry requires you to angle manip right, and hold W and A. To start sprinting as quickly as possible, try to time pressing shift with the audio of climbing the ladder. Once you are down, run to the second door on the right, enter it, do a 180 turn right so that you continue holding W and A, crouch in front of the bookshelf to grab the key through the bookshelf, uncrouch, turn right, and switch to D, then run out. Once out, turn left and switch to A, and enter the bloody room, as soon as you open the door, switch to D, then take a few steps, switch back to A on the turn, then on the next turn, switch back to D, and turn right a little bit. Grab the pulsating heart, and turn back to get hit by White Face, then press Esc as soon as he catches you, and reopen to paste the text into the prompt. Upon re-visiting this section after Game Ended, there are two pathways, either angle manip left and hold W and D to run into the bloody room quickly, or on the 100% run only after the white face section, angle manip right, hold W and A to enter the same door as you did the first time, switch to W and D as soon as you open it, then go over to the peek-a-boo spot, then wait about 10 seconds until you get both achievements, then go back to the bloody room.

Car Park: As I touched on in part three, there's only one optimal route here. Angle manip right and hold W+D, then turn a little bit left when you get around the corner. Switch to A and turn a little more left. Run to the furthest arrow then switch to D then turn right as you get up to the next one. Run to the furthest arrow again then turn left and switch to A to move diagonally. Avoid the pole next to the arrow, then once you hit the arrow, turn slightly left and run till the furthest arrow and once you get to it, switch to D. Turn right at the top and run to the furthest arrow while avoiding the poles. Turn right at the furthest arrow. Turn very slightly left to go into the elevator area, then switch to A and turn slightly right once you're through the door. Press E on the elevator and turn left into it to enter the elevator. Once you are in, you can angle manip either left or right, I prefer right, so I'll go with that. Angle manip right, and hold W+A before coming out of the elevator, and time pressing shift with the final ding sound of the elevator. Run straight until the gate, press E on the gate, turn back, switch to D, try to go straight towards the gate key, crouch and grab it, turn back and switch to A, then run back straight to the gate, and enter the gate. Once you are through the gate, angle manip left and hold W+D. Press E on the door as quickly as you can, then switch to A once you are through the door, switch back to D on the turn, then open the door and turn right and run all the way down the hallway. Climb up the ladder, angle manip right and hold W+A then run to the exit door, press E on the door, and start mashing the Esc key.

Not to See room: If you get this room, You are doing a 100% run. As soon as you hear the piano from the intro being cut off, look right and hold W+A or look left and hold W+D to run towards the grass part (you can walk through the sign), then go towards the furthest away point of the fence and exit as soon as you hear the achievement noise.

House: Angle manip right and hold W+A, on the first turn, switch to D and turn right and enter the un-numbered door. Pick up key 1 and turn back, then crouch beside the little cabinet on the ground, press E twice to open it and grab the tongs, then turn left and enter door 1, once you enter it switch to D and do a 180 to move to the short side of the shelf and grab key 8. Turn right and hold W+D for a split second to get off of the wall then switch to A, run straight to door 8 and go through it. Switch to D once you do and as soon as you hear two steps at the same time, turn back and switch to A, run back over to door 4, turn left into it and then turn right to go to the windowed door, enter the windowed door and turn right. Go straight and grab the key, then turn back and switch to D, Run all the way back to the other end and turn left through the door. Switch to A when you get past the tables to go through the door. Run to door 7 and enter it. Press F4 and copy HER from your notepad, also set the time to around 7:39 AM for 100% and 11:55 PM for Any%. Once you get back in, hold W+D before you get taken out of his room, and try to turn left. Do not hold shift as the next part will be easier if you don't, you will keep running if you entered door 7 holding shift. open the door, turn left and run to the next door, switch to A on the windowed door and open it, then crouch and grab key 2. Switch to D after getting out of the room, and switch to A on the turn, and switch back on the next one, open the door, grab key 6 and do a 180, try not to get stuck on the walls of that room, switch to A on the turn, and switch back to D on the next, unless you're on a 100% run, in that case turn left and press E a bunch on the wall with the blood trail leading to it, and when pressing E stops making noise, turn right and then switch to D. Open door 6, hold W+A, look right, and start holding shift, as entering this room will force you to stop sprinting. Run between the walls, switch to D after you do so, and turn left, then switch to A and enter the next door, then turn right, open the exit, and follow the arrows from there. Run to the noose, and press E as soon as possible. Exit immediately on Any% but wait until the beep on 100% as if you don't you will not get the achievement.

HER section: Start by looking left and holding W+A then on the intersection go right by switching to D, try to open the doors without stopping on them to minimize the amount of time you are stuck, a little after opening the third door, the quiet prompt should pop up, but don't stop sprinting until you are through the seventh door and she points to the wall, turn right into the wall and you can stop sprinting safely about halfway between the hallway and the painting if you didn't get stuck on anything beforehand, then continue by walking to the painting, and once you press E on the painting, turn left and switch to A, go back through the wall, and turn left. Walk to the furthest turn and then switch to D and turn slightly left to adjust for walking angles, press E on the door, turn left and switch to A, then turn left again once you are close to the wall. At the next turn, switch to D and turn slightly left, then walk up to the piano, crouch on the side of it and grab the key, then turn left and switch to A, then walk back to the intersection and turn left, then switch to D and turn slightly left. Walk through the bookshelf and the chair to go a little faster and once you are through, switch to A, walk down to the balcony and turn right or turn slightly left and switch to D. Relaunch the game, look right, hold W+A, and start sprinting again. Turn left at the intersection, switch to D on the turn, try to move through the bookshelf and the chair without getting stuck, then switch to A, turn slightly right once you get to the balcony, and grab the key, but make sure that you hold shift when being told to be quiet, and let go of shift while crouching to grab the key. Once you have the key, un-crouch, turn right, and switch to D. Move back through the chair and the bookshelf by turning right at the correct time, switch to A at the turn, and keep going. Stop sprinting the instant before you get into the second intersection and you should be fine if you did everything right. Switch to D and turn slightly left, then open the door and walk into the next room by turning right. You don't need to walk any more until the Pipes section! Angle manip left and hold W+D but only for a split second when you enter the room, then you switch to A and turn slightly right. Go down the hall until the turn where you switch to D and start turning left. Press E on the red ball 3 times, turn to the blue and green balls, and hit E on the blue and green balls each once. Run to the rope, grab it, turn back left to the hall and switch to A, run down the hall, keep holding W+A+shift even after you hear the zapping noise. Turn right until you are out of the room. Angle manip left and hold W+A and then turn left and run down the hall until the end where you switch to D, and go through the bookshelf and the chair to step on the rug and close the game. Go through the chair and the bookshelf again to get to the balcony. Turn right until you are on the edge, and mash E until you climb down.

Labyrinth: Angle manip right and hold W+A, turn right and switch to D on the turn, do the opposite for the next turn. Turn slightly left, then turn right and switch to D. Walk through the wall on your left by switching to A around the fourth lamp post. If you're on a 100% run, turn left at the intersection, and press E on the entity to get the "Thanks For Staying" achievement and prepare your clock to be set to 8:23 PM if you haven't already, then go back into the game and run back to the intersection by holding W+A and pick up here. Grab the key on the ground by following the blood trail, and then turn right and switch to D, then turn left at the intersection, turn left again to follow the pathway, and switch to A then press E to open the lock.txt gate as that file should've never appeared. Walk up to the code gate and enter the 5 codes mentioned previously. Walk through the gate and then when loading in, angle manip left and hold W+A, then open the door ahead, and turn right after you do, then press E on the next door, then switch to D and slowly turn left to go to the second cabinet in the row of four, then crouch and mash E, then turn left and switch to A. Turn slightly right after passing the bed, and slightly left after exiting that room. Run down to the second door on your right and go through it with a right turn, and switch to D. Open the elevator and enter it.

Station: Start by pressing F4 to make sure your clock is set to 11:59 PM for Any% and 7:44 AM for 100%. Look left while in the elevator and hold W+D, run all the way down to the end of the hallway until you hear breathing, then turn left and switch to A, and enter the next door, then switch back. This next part is the thing I mentioned in part three, so I won't go over that here. Once you have gotten all three, follow the arrows and grab the key on the ground. Then turn to open the door, and run into the train station. Press F4 to see the time, and if your time reads 12:00 AM in Any% or 7:45 AM in 100% then you have just successfully saved a bit of time by Predicting the Future™. Press E on the ticket machine and if you are on 100%, set the time to 8:23 PM and begin setting the time to 12:00 AM before collecting the first ticket, then continue setting it until you are done, and you can collect your second ticket. When you press E on the ticket, you also simultaneously print a new one if your time is set correctly, so you can easily go fast when doing this. Once you are done printing your truth ticket, run to the train door with W+A, and enter the train.

Train: Angle manip left, and hold W+D. Make sure you walk around the bed on the right side relative to where you start, as it gives you the most amount of room to walk by. Press the button then turn back and switch to A and walk around the bed on the same side you did before. Press the button then turn and switch again. Rinse and repeat until both buttons are pushed three times each, then walk a little bit forward into the blackness before switching to D and turning slightly right to walk towards HER. Relaunch and then look left and hold W+A or vice versa, and keep running ahead until you see text pop up at the foot of HER grave, then turn back and switch until you get to the black barrier where you came from. Once you can start shooting, all you need to do is shoot the gun as you don't actually need to even look at HER in order to shoot HER. You could be aiming into the black abyss and you will still win if you shoot the gun 6 times. This can be seen as a little bit of a break from all of the speed strats which allows you to wind down a little bit, then during the credits, make sure to copy Ivan Zanotti. For the last little bit of the section left, angle manip left and hold W+D. Switch to A on the turn, then switch back on the next. Go through the chair and the bookshelf one last time, and then switch to A. Walk into the opened passage, and let the game fade to white all the way before closing it, otherwise it will put you right back down in the HER shootout section, and you'll also need to wait a little longer for the 100% run as if you close it too early then you won't get the achievement.

Market: Right after entering Ivan Zanotti into the prompt, you will need to copy Take me to the door, as this is the last time you will get the opportunity to do so without risking time loss. You will always angle manip left in this section no matter if you spawn inside or outside the market, so make sure to do that every time. First, hold W+D and turn left after passing the shelf on your left, then walk up to the shelves next to the door, specifically the outward corner of the shelves, and press E to grab the refrigerator key through the shelves, and switch once you do. Turn left and press E on the door, grab the letter, Turn and switch back, turn right and press E on the door. Now close and re-open the game, then hold W+A and turn right around the corner of the building. Grab the letter then turn back and switch, turn left around the corner, keep running, then switch once around the next corner. Send the letter and then close and re-open the game. Hold W+D and press E as soon as possible to pick up the office key, run ahead, turn left and switch, open the office door, grab the cutters, and turn back and switch to leave the room, then turn right and switch to run back around the corner. Run back to the counter where you started and turn left at the doors and then switch to throw the cutters in the trash, then close and re-open the game. Hold W+A and crouch immediately to pick back up the cutters, and turn right around the corner. Keep going until the next turn where you switch and then press E on the electric wires to cut them and of course close and re-open your game. Hold W+D and switch to go around the corner, then turn left into the electric panels, press E to turn them back on, then finally, one last time, close and re-open your game.

Pipes: For the main room, look right and hold W+A, then slowly turn right while avoiding the pillars that come out of the ground. Angle manip right and hold W+A to run down the hall to the lever, press E on the lever then turn and switch. Run to the map sign and switch back to run down and grab the valve, turn back and switch, turn back and switch again once you hear the laugh, then press E on the fan to start the text while turning back and switching again. Switch once you see the steam pop out of the vent to move back up the stairs. Angle manip right and hold W+A, then place the valve on the center pipe and switch to move towards the gate, and open it. Angle manip very far right and hold W+A, once you're at the conveyor, look straight but ever so slightly right to wall boost up the conveyor. Grab the valve, turn and switch, and walk back. Angle manip right, hold W+A and then put the valve into the center pipe, then switch and open the gate to walk into the final pipes room. Hold W+A and angle manip right then turn left when you get past the signs to wall boost. Hold W+A until you get to the key. Grab the key on the ground then turn and walk around the chair. Turn right around the corner and open the door. Turn right and wall boost and then continue walking until the turn. Crouch and pick up the key, then turn right on the turn. Enter the door and switch, then turn around the corner. Your shift key will start working again the instant you step into the parking area, then you can do a zig-zag pattern to grab the four arrows and enter the door. Hold W+D when entering the door and again crouch while not looking at the key to pick it up. Switch and turn to enter the next door, then while on the falling platform, turn left to keep holding W+A. Run over to the valve and pick it up, but make sure to not crouch at all when down there as there is a glitch which makes it look like you're standing when you're really crouching. Climb up the ladder and wall boost the right wall back to the main area. Angle manip right and hold W+A. Put the valve in the center pipe and flip the switch. Timing for Any% ends there, but for 100%, you need to go into the door and the game will close.

The Door: Enter the game and run to the door. Press E and then Y as soon as you get close to the door and relaunch. Do what you did in the begin room without the angle manip as that is impossible in this room, and then just wait right next to White Face for him to charge you and close your game. Relaunch and hold W+A and look right or hold W+D and look left to run into White face as he's charging you. Relaunch the game and hold W+A and look left to go towards the exit door, open it and keep running for a split second to let him catch you quickly. Relaunch the game and mash the Esc key which will force you out of the next part as quickly as possible. Relaunch again and run into the middle to press E on the noose, then turn out and get hit by White Face. Relaunch one last time and press F4 once you have to delete the entire White Face folder. Stop your timer as soon as you delete the folder, and congratulations! You now have a good time on the 100% and Any% leaderboards. Give yourself a pat on the back, you deserve it.


ROOMNEXT VALUES Number="Game assigned name[--- for blank]" (extra info)

0="---" (how to play) 1="Begin" (first room) 2="Basement" 3="---" ("Hello, do you know my name?" prompt) 4="Car Park" (tag section) 5="Street" 6="Basement" (different spawn) 7="Begin" (different spawn) 8="---" (first fake "The End" message) 9="House" 10="---" (door 6 in house) 11="---" (Not to See achievement room) 12="Pipes" (Take me to the door room) 13="---" (pipes A) 14="---" (pipes B​) 15="---" (pipes C) 16="---" (unused "HER ARMS" prompt) 17="---" (nothing, I don't know why this room is blank, but it is) 18="Begin" (puts you in the first room unless the value of option ws=1 under [newme] in workshop.ini file, then it takes you to the HER section) 19="Begin" (bloody piano) 20="---" (HER chase section) 21="Begin" (bookshelf room after escaping HER) 22="Labyrinth" (puts you in front of the code gate if option lab=1) 23="Station" (puts you in front of the elevator if option sub=1) 24="Train" 25="Market" (inside) 26="Market" (outside) 27="---" (nothing) . . . . . 98="---" (nothing) 99="---" (HER shooting section) 100="---" (last choice room) 101="---" (black and white room, changes depending on the value of option mprcsflwr, used values are 1-6, unused room if set to 0 or 7+)

Thank you for reading my guide. It took me a long time to put it together, so I hope that it helps you get a very fast time.

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