New run categories?
4 years ago
Alberta, Canada

Hey there!

I've just recently started streaming and i'm having a blast playing Immortal Redneck in the worst ways possible. Over on my Twitch I started looking into No Shop / No Skill Tree to test how much pain I can inflict on myself.

Just out of curiosity, is this something anyone would run? I'm certain I can finish the game with these restrictions in a matter of time, but doing it in one sitting/run is another thing. (Furthest I got was Pyramid 2's floor 3 boss, I completely forgot how to fight him)

I would love to try my best to get a run of this even if it takes an ungodly amount of time from playing carefully.

The vod of my no shop / skill tree test play through is on my channel, along with a "Weapon Smuggling" glitch I found with switching profiles.

Maybe I'm late to the party and the speed run community for this game is long gone, but I'm going to continue to stream playing the game in my own way!

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New moderator, new records

Hello everyone, if there is anyone else alive at this game. Due to the fact that the previous moderator has not been active for more than a year, I replaced him. And finally I was able to approve a lot of races that had been waiting for this for more than a year. And who knows, maybe if they had bee

1 year ago
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